User:Veritacity/Books/Legal and Business Idioms 2

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above board
by the book
under the table
on the up-and-up
arm to the teeth
arm up
arm's length
as a rule
as is
as long as
ask for it
asleep at the switch
assault and battery
at arm's length
at cross-purposes
at each other's throats
at odds
back down
back to the wall
at stake
at the end of the day
at the end of one's rope
at variance
at the very least
balance the books
bail out
ballpark figure
ballpark estimate
be it as it may
beg to differ
behind closed doors
behind someone's back
bar none
bean counter
bend the truth
below the belt
bark up the wrong tree
batten down the hatches
beat the pants off
beat the shit out of
bend to one's will
beneath the surface
beside the point
best of both worlds
bet the farm
between you, me, and the bedpost
between a rock and a hard place
be all ears
bat a thousand
better angels
big shot
bill of goods
bigger fish to fry
bite the dust
bite the bullet
bite someone's head off
bite someone in the arse
bite one's tongue
bitter pill
bitter pill to swallow
bite off
bite one's lip
black mark
blame game
bleeding edge
blood in the water
blow away
blow hot and cold
blow one's chance
blow out of proportion
blow someone out of the water
blow someone's cover
blow the whistle
blow up in one's face
bottle up
bottom line
borrowed time
boiling mad
boiling point
boil over
black and white
box oneself into a corner
bragging rights
branch out
break a law
break even
break the bank
break the deadlock
bridge the gap
bright-line rule
bring a knife to a gunfight
bring down the hammer
bring home the bacon
bring home
bring forward
bring about
bring to bear
brush aside
buck the trend
offer one can't refuse
on good terms
let bygones be bygones
for heaven's sake
bump into
bundle of nerves
burn one's bridges
burn one's candle at both ends
burn the midnight oil
business as usual
button one's lip
buy into
buy out
call someone's bluff
call the shots
call to account
calm before the storm
can it
can of worms
buy the farm
buy time
by a long shot
by a landslide
by a hair's breadth
by and large
by all accounts
character assassination
change the game
cat got someone's tongue
castle in the air
change someone's mind
change one's tune
chances are
change hands
change of heart
change one's mind
cast one's vote
cast in concrete
cast aspersions
can't wait
carried away
carrot and stick
carry forward
catch someone napping
catch someone with their hand in the cookie jar
catch someone's drift
carry on
carry one's weight
carry over
caught with one's pants down
cause a stir
cave in
cease to be
cede the field
chain reaction
catch on
catch one's drift
can't get enough
can't help
can't stand
cake walk
call a spade a spade
call it a day
call it a night
call on
call out
charm offensive
charge up
chase after
check and balance
cheaper by the dozen
chicken out
chime in
chip away
chip in
circle the wagons
clean house
clean someone's clock
clean up
clear cut
clock is ticking
close ranks
close to home
close the stable door after the horse has bolted
cold hard cash
cold treatment
collect one's thoughts
come a long way
come again
come around
come clean
come down
come down to earth
come from a good place
come full circle
come out in the wash
come out swinging
come to a head
come to a close
come to blows
come to Jesus
come to terms
come up with
come what may
come with the territory
comfort zone
common ground
common or garden variety
cut to the chase
cost the earth
damn right
damn straight
cutting edge
cry uncle
cover one's bases
cover up
cross out
creme de la creme
crawl over each other
corner the market
cook the books
concrete jungle
company man
company town
dot the i's and cross the t's
double-edged sword
down and out
doomed if you do, doomed if you don't
don't get someone started
don't give up your day job
don't go there
don't hold your breath
don't knock yourself out
don't let the door hit you on the way out
don't shit where you eat
don't call us, we'll call you
done deal
dodge a bullet
do well by doing good
do well for oneself
do the trick
do someone proud
do someone's head in
do someone dirty
do right by
do one's bit
do one's damnedest
do one's darnedest
do one's utmost
do me a favour
disagree with
dirty look
dirty money
dirty laundry
diminishing returns
dig in
dig in one's heels
dig one's own grave
dig oneself in a hole
dig up
dig up dirt
dime a dozen
diarrhea of the mouth
diamond in the rough
devil's advocate
detective work
devil is in the details
deliver the goods
deep pockets
deep down
deafening silence
death knell
death spiral
daylight robbery
dead and buried
dead cat bounce
dead in the water
dead giveaway
dead end
drop a bomb
drive home
earn one's keep
ear to the ground
even the score
err on the side of caution
end up
empty promise
elephant in the room
eleventh hour
elbow room
drop off
drop off the radar
end of the line
elbow grease
eat, breathe, and sleep
dumb down
dry run
drum up
draw the line
drag one's feet
drag through the mud
drama queen
draw a line
draw a line in the sand
down to the wire
easy street
easy pickings
easier said than done
easy come, easy go
drop the gloves
drop the topic
drop someone a line
err on the side of
drop in the ocean
drop in the bucket
drop a bombshell
down the road
down the line
down the drain
down on one's luck
down but not out
down for the count
everybody who is anybody
eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth
eyes on the prize
face facts
face the music
face value
factor in
facts on the ground
fair enough
fair and square
fair game
fair shake
fall behind
fall into a trap
fall into the wrong hands
fall on one's sword
fall short
false alarm
false light
fan the flames
fat chance
feast or famine
final nail in the coffin
final say
fire in the belly
fire on all cylinders
first come, first served
fish or cut bait
first rate
fit the bill
fly in the ointment
fly under the radar
for a fact
for crying out loud
for good measure
for the most part
force someone's hand
forgive and forget
fox in the henhouse
free lunch
free ride
freeze out
friends in high places
from soup to nuts
from the ground up
full of hot air
gang up
game plan
gear up
get a grip
get a leg up
get ahead of oneself
get away with
get bent out of shape
get down to business
get even
get into trouble
get it over with
get on someone's nerves
get one's act together
get something straight
have the goods on
get the goods on
get the word out
get to the point
get with the program
get wind of
give as good as one gets
give away the store
give in
give pause
give someone a break
give someone a bloody nose
give someone an earful
give someone the runaround
give something a try
gloss over
glutton for punishment
go a long way
go ballistic
go down that road
go for broke
go from strength to strength
go over
go out with a bang
go over someone's head
go through with
go to great lengths
go too far
go without saying
gold standard
golden parachute
golden handcuffs
golden goose
good job
goose is cooked
grease payment
ground rule
gut reaction
gut feeling
gut check
hack it
hammer home
hand someone his head
handwriting on the wall
hang out to dry
hang tough
hard as nails
have a say
have legs
have more money than God
have one's way with
have someone's back
have someone's number
hedge one's bets
hell to pay
here to stay
here you go
here you are
here we go again
hidden in plain sight
hindsight is 20/20
hit the nail on the head
hit the ground running
hit the road
hold back
hold it together
hold one's tongue
hold the purse strings
hold the cards
holding pattern
home stretch
hot water
hot under the collar
I rest my case
in a nutshell
in a pinch
in any way, shape, or form
in bed with
in for a dime, in for a dollar
in for a penny, in for a pound
in full force
in layperson's terms
in no way, shape, or form
in one's pocket
in one's dreams
in the crosshairs
in the clear
in the driver's seat
in the long run
in the same boat
in the right place at the right time
in the thick of it
it's all good
jump ship
kangaroo court
keep a cool head
keep a lid on
keep an eye on
keep at arm's length
keep one's cards close to one's chest
keep one's cool
keep one's eye on the ball
keep one's fingers crossed
keep one's head down
keep one's lips sealed
keep one's mouth shut
keep one's nose clean
keep one's options open
keep someone in the dark
keep someone posted
keep tabs on
keep the ball rolling
keep up
keep to oneself
kernel of truth
kiss and make up
kiss of death
knock on wood
knock oneself out
knock some sense into
knock someone off their perch
know every trick in the book
know where the bodies are buried
know which end is up
laugh all the way to the bank
laundry list
leave a sour taste in one's mouth
leave behind
leave it be
leave it at that
leave no stone unturned
lesser of two evils
let sleeping dogs lie
let the chips fall where they may
let something slip
let the cat out of the bag
let them have it
lick one's wounds
life is too short
live on the edge
long arm of the law
look out for number one
look the other way
loose lip
loosen the purse strings
lose one's cool
lose ground
lose one's head
lose one's mind
lose one's shirt
lose one's temper
lost in translation
low on the totem pole
low-hanging fruit
lubrication payment
magic bullet
make a mountain out of a molehill
make an example of
make someone's blood boil
make someone's skin crawl
make someone's jaw drop
make something of oneself
make the most of
make up one's mind
make waves
marching orders
meal ticket