Eztabaida honi buruz

Previous discussion was archived at Lankide eztabaida:Theklan/Archive 1 on 2019-05-22.

Ongi etorri Theklanen eztabaida orrialdera. Hemen dituzun kezka, kexa eta galdera guztiak egin ahal dituzu. Beheko karratuan aurreko gaiak ere ikus ditzakezu, nire artxiboan.

2020: Urt · Ots · Mar · Api · Mai · Eka · Uzt · Abu · Ira · Urr · Aza · Abe
2019: Urt · Ots · Mar · Api · Mai · Eka · Uzt · Abu · Ira · Urr · Aza · Abe
2018: Urt · Ots · Mar · Api · Mai · Eka · Uzt · Abu · Ira · Urr · Aza · Abe
2017: Urt · Ots · Mar · Api · Mai · Eka · Uzt · Abu · Ira · Urr · Aza · Abe
2016: Urt · Ots · Mar · Api · Mai · Eka · Uzt · Abu · Ira · Urr · Aza · Abe
2015: Urt · Ots · Mar · Api · Mai · Eka · Uzt · Abu · Ira · Urr · Aza · Abe
2014: Urt · Ots · Mar · Api · Mai · Eka · Uzt · Abu · Ira · Urr · Aza · Abe
2013: Urt · Ots · Mar · Api · Mai · Eka · Uzt · Abu · Ira · Urr · Aza · Abe
2012: Urt · Ots · Mar · Api · Mai · Eka · Uzt · Abu · Ira · Urr · Aza · Abe
2011: Urt · Ots · Mar · Api · Mai · Eka · Uzt · Abu · Ira · Urr · Aza · Abe
2010: Urt · Ots · Mar · Api · Mai · Eka · Uzt · Abu · Ira · Urr · Aza · Abe
2009: Urt · Ots · Mar · Api · Mai · Eka · Uzt · Abu · Ira · Urr · Aza · Abe
2008: Urt · Ots · Mar · Api · Mai · Eka · Uzt · Abu · Ira · Urr · Aza · Abe
2007: Urt · Ots · Mar · Api · Mai · Eka · Uzt · Abu · Ira · Urr · Aza · Abe

I (hasieratik 2006ko uztailerarte), II (2006ko uztailatik iralerarte)
III (2006 X-XI), IV (2006-XII)

MediaWiki message delivery (eztabaidaekarpenak)
"Wikidata weekly summary #634" mezuari erantzun

Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #161 is out: Welcome, Daphne!

MediaWiki message delivery (eztabaidaekarpenak)

There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!

In this issue, we welcome a new member of the team, we ask for feedback about our "About" widget designs, and we take a look at the latest software developments.

Want to catch up with the previous updates? Check our archive!

Also, we remind you that if you have questions or ideas to discuss, the next Volunteers' Corner will be held on July 1, at 17:30 UTC (link to the meeting).

Enjoy the reading! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 20:25, 27 ekaina 2024 (CEST)

Theklan (eztabaidaekarpenak)

Hello @Sannita (WMF)! Do you know why I'm receiving this message twice? thanks!

Sannita (WMF) (eztabaidaekarpenak)

Hey! This is the first time that happens, and it seems to be happening only with users using threads for discussion. The old talk pages all have one message, but for some reasons people with threads received the message twice.

This is particularly weird because I only sent once the message, so probably something happened with MassMessage. If this happens again next week, let me know, so that we could open a ticket about it. Thanks for noticing me!

Theklan (eztabaidaekarpenak)

It has happened in the last weeks too. I will notice you, thanks!

Sannita (WMF) (eztabaidaekarpenak)

Huh, this means that we can already open the bug... I've done so on Phabricator and I should have put you among the subscribers. Let's see how it plays out. I'm sorry for the double sending anyway for the moment.

"Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #161 is out: Welcome, Daphne!" mezuari erantzun

Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #161 is out: Welcome, Daphne!

MediaWiki message delivery (eztabaidaekarpenak)

There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!

In this issue, we welcome a new member of the team, we ask for feedback about our "About" widget designs, and we take a look at the latest software developments.

Want to catch up with the previous updates? Check our archive!

Also, we remind you that if you have questions or ideas to discuss, the next Volunteers' Corner will be held on July 1, at 17:30 UTC (link to the meeting).

Enjoy the reading! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 15:20, 27 ekaina 2024 (CEST)

"Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #161 is out: Welcome, Daphne!" mezuari erantzun
MediaWiki message delivery (eztabaidaekarpenak)
"Wikidata weekly summary #633" mezuari erantzun
Suna no onna (eztabaidaekarpenak)

Kaixo, @Theklan Larahe (Larra) jainkoaren artikuluan hau idatzi duzu: Velazaren ustez, hasierako "deo" horrek iradokitzen du interpretatio gertatu zela, hau da, erromatarren panteoiko gizonezko jainkoren batekin parekatu zela teonimo indigena.

Gogoratu dezakezu non irakurri duzun hori? Nik beste zerbait irakurri dudalako.

Theklan (eztabaidaekarpenak)

Interpretatio hori @Amanu lankideak azaldu zuen, nik ez nuen jarri gizonezko jainkoren batekin parekatu zenik.

"Larrahe" mezuari erantzun

Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #160 is out: New Type: Integers

MediaWiki message delivery (eztabaidaekarpenak)

There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!

In this issue, we are happy to announce that we introduced another new type, integers, that will increase our coverage of mathematical functions. Moreover, we take a look at the (many!) software developments we introduced in the last week.

Want to catch up with the previous updates? Check our archive!

Enjoy the reading! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 13:07, 21 ekaina 2024 (CEST)

"Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #160 is out: New Type: Integers" mezuari erantzun
MediaWiki message delivery (eztabaidaekarpenak)
"Weekly Summary #632" mezuari erantzun

Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #159 is out: New Type: Igbo calendar months

MediaWiki message delivery (eztabaidaekarpenak)

There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!

In this issue, we introduce a new enumeration type, this time for the thirteen months of the Igbo calendar, and we take a look at the latest software developments.

Want to catch up with the previous updates? Check our archive!

Enjoy the reading! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 00:10, 15 ekaina 2024 (CEST)

"Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #159 is out: New Type: Igbo calendar months" mezuari erantzun

Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #159 is out: New Type: Igbo calendar months

MediaWiki message delivery (eztabaidaekarpenak)

There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!

In this issue, we introduce a new enumeration type, this time for the thirteen months of the Igbo calendar, and we take a look at the latest software developments.

Want to catch up with the previous updates? Check our archive!

Enjoy the reading! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 18:21, 14 ekaina 2024 (CEST)

"Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #159 is out: New Type: Igbo calendar months" mezuari erantzun