Posts in Interviews
There is Only Time and Place: Discussing Romance and Cinema with Shaun Seneviratne

For director Shaun Seneviratne, life is cinema and cinema is life. His first feature film, Ben and Suzanne: A Reunion in Four Parts, which debuted at SXSW this year, places the viewer as a fly on the wall, witnesses to a week in the life of a couple’s attempt to figure out their future. It is the result of a fourteen-year-long filmmaking process.

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Peeling Away the Artifice of Self with Dissolution Director Anthony Saxe

With Dissolution, the short film which won the Narrative Shorts Jury Award at SXSW, director Anthony Saxe explores this disconnection from the past by looking to his parents. Through home videos captured in his infancy or before he was born, he investigates who his parents were to themselves and to each other when they lived completely different lives to the ones he now knows. 

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Pondering the Multitudinous Laundromat with The Bleacher directors Nicole Daddona and Adam Wilder

Nicole Daddano and Adam Wilder’s short animated film The Bleacher makes the viewer a voyeur in a dark and gritty world, centered around a laundromat where a regular has some very dirty laundry to do indeed. HFC sat down with Nicole and Adam to discuss all the strange turns the film takes and shifting from live action to animation.

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Discussing Bodily Autonomy in Life and Death with If I Die In America director, Ward Kamel

Ward Kamel’s beautiful and devastating short film, If I Die In America, which debuted at SXSW, tackles this question with searing aplomb. When Manny’s husband, Sameer, dies suddenly, his grief is usurped by an unexpected battle with Sameer’s family, who refuse to acknowledge the legitimacy of their relationship and any claim he tries to stake on his husband’s body. I sat down with Ward to discuss his process and the thoughts and experiences that inspired the film. 

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Austin Director Sarah Uftring on her new short film, “The Devil Inside Me”

“The Devil Inside Me” tells the all too relatable story of toxic relationships with a little twist. A lonely woman forms an intimate and fleeting relationship with the prince of darkness, Satan himself. After their shared night, he ghosts her, leaving her to wonder when it went wrong. This film is Sarah Uftring’s directorial debut. The Austin filmmaker took the plunge and it paid off as she has garnered accolades, praise, and recognition for her hilariously awkward comedy. This interview, we got the chance to talk about genre filmmaking, approaching a set as a first time director, the importance of collaboration, and why adding a wiggly tail to your sex scenes might be more challenging than you think!

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The Sweetest Taboo: An Interview with Erica Schultz

Hyperreal Film Club’s Matthew Seidel sat down with Erica Schultz to discuss her new book, The Sweetest Taboo: An Unapologetic Guide to Child Kills in Film, her successful indiegogo campaign, Letterboxd, and the Austin film scene.

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"Yeah, This is Really My Number": An Interview with Matt Farley

Hyperreal Film Club sat down with Matt Farley, the creative dynamo who’s written, recorded, and released over 24,000 songs and written and starred in nearly 20 movies in the last 20 years to talk about the creative drive, Elaine May’s Ishtar, and the phone number thing.

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I Am Made From Love: An Interview with Brian Bowers

Reverie is the debut short film from auteur Brian Bowers, who is a multifaceted creative with a passion for experimental storytelling. I had the honor to speak with Brian, trying to wrap my head around how he was able to pull off these sentiments. We talk about everything from off-site directing to dance choreography to the works of great poets. 

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