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Glynis Johns

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Glynis Johns
ụdịekerenwanyị Dezie
mba o sịObodoézè Nà Ofú Dezie
aha n'asụsụ obodoGlynis Johns Dezie
Aha ọmụmụGlynis Margaret Payne Johns Dezie
Aha enyereGlynis Dezie
aha ezinụlọ yaJohns Dezie
ụbọchị ọmụmụ ya5 Ọktoba 1923 Dezie
Ebe ọmụmụPretoria Dezie
Ụbọchị ọnwụ ya4 Jenụwarị 2024 Dezie
Ebe ọ nwụrụLos Angeles Dezie
ŃnàMervyn Johns Dezie
ŃnéAlyce Steele-Wareham Dezie
Dị/nwunyeDavid Foster, Anthony Forwood, Elliott Arnold Dezie
nwaGareth Forwood Dezie
asụsụ ọ na-asụ, na-ede ma ọ bụ were na-ebinye akaBekee Dezie
ebe agụmakwụkwọClifton High School, South Hampstead High School Dezie
oge ọrụ ya (mmalite)1923 Dezie
Oge ọrụ ya (njedebe)1999 Dezie
ngwa egwuPiano Dezie
Ihe nriteTony Award for Best Actress in a Musical, Disney Legends, Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Actress in a Musical, National Board of Review Award for Best Actress, Laurel Awards Dezie
ahọpụtara makaAcademy Award for Best Supporting Actress, Golden Globe Award for Best Actress – Motion Picture Drama, Laurence Olivier Award for Actress of the Year in a New Play Dezie
subject has rolecentenarian Dezie

Glynis Johns (a mụrụ n'ụbọchị nke 5 n'ọnwa Ọktoba n'afọ 1923) bụ onye na-eme ihe nkiri, onye na-agba egwu, onye egwú na onye na-agụ egwú. A mụrụ ya na Pretoria, South Africa, mgbe nne na nna ya nọ na njem, a maara ya nke ọma maka ịmepụta ọrụ Desiree Armfeldt na A Little Night Music on Broadway, nke o ritere Tony Award, na maka igwu Winifred Banks na ihe nkiri egwu Walt Disney Mary Poppins. N'afọ 2020, mgbe Olivia de Havilland nwụrụ, Johns ghọrọ onye kacha okenye dị ndụ na Academy Award-nominee na ụdị ọ bụla na-eme ihe nkiri.

N'ọrụ abụọ ahụ, Johns bụrụ abụ ndị e dere maka ya kpọmkwem, gụnyere "Send In the Clowns", nke Stephen Sondheim dere, na "Sister Suffragette", nke Sherman Brothers dere.

A họpụtara Johns maka onyinye Academy maka onye na-akwado ihe nkiri kacha mma maka ọrụ ya na ihe nkiri afọ 1960 The Sundowners . Ọ bụ otu n'ime kpakpando ikpeazụ dị ndụ site na Golden Age nke Hollywood na afọ klas nke ihe nkiri Britain. A maara ya maka àgwà iku ume nke olu ya na àgwà ya dị mma.[1]

Mmalite ndụ[dezie | dezie ebe o si]

A mụrụ Johns na Pretoria, Union of South Africa, na 5 Ọktoba 1923, dịka nwa nwanyị nke Alice Maude Steele (née Wareham), onye na-akpọ piano, na Mervyn Johns, onye na-eme ihe nkiri na ihe nkiri Welsh.[2] Mgbọrọgwụ ya dị na West Wales, a mụrụ ya na Pretoria mgbe ndị mụrụ ya na-eme njem nleta n'ebe ahụ.

Johns pụtara n'ihu ọha nke mbụ ya na Buckie's Bears dịka nwatakịrị na-agba egwú na Garrick Theatre n'afọ1935. (O mechara bụrụ onye nkuzi ballet ruru eru.A hụrụ ya ka ọ na-agba egwú n'egwuregwu ụmụaka n'oge ezumike Krismas ma tinye ya na mmepụta ihe nkiri mbụ ya, St Helena, na Old Vic n'afọ 1936. N'afọ ahụ, ọ nọkwa na mmepụta nke The Children's Hour na The Melody That Got Lost . Ọ sochiri nke a na Judgment Day (1937) na A Kiss for Cinderella (1937).[3]

Nkwago na ihe nkiri[dezie | dezie ebe o si]

Johns na 1951

Johns mere ihe nkiri izizi ya n'afọ 1938 na ihe nkiri nke akwụkwọ akụkọ Winifred Holtby South Riding . O nwere obere ọrụ na Murder in the Family (1938), Prison Without Bars (1939), On the Night of the Fire (1940), Under Your Hat (1940), na The Briggs Family (1940). N'elu nkwago, ọ nọ na Quiet Wedding (1938).

Ihe nkiri Johns na The Prime Minister (1941) emeghị nke ikpeazụ, mana o nwere ọrụ na 49th Parallel (1941) dịka Anna, na-anọchi Elisabeth Bergner na nkeji ikpeazụ. Ọ nọ na Quiet Weekend (1941 Xiji43) n'elu ikpo okwu, nke gbara afọ abụọ.[3]

Johns nwere ọrụ na The Adventures of Tartu (1943) na The Halfway House (1944). N'elu ikpo okwu, ọ pụtara na Peter Pan (1943), I'll See You Again (1944), na Fools Rush In (1946).

Johns nwetara ezigbo nyocha maka arụmọrụ ya dịka ezigbo enyi Deborah Kerr na Perfect Strangers (1945) (nke a na-akpọkwa Vacation from Marriage).

Johns gara n'ihu na nkwado ọrụ: This Man Is Mine (1946), Frieda (1947), na An Ideal Husband (1947).

Ọrụ ya mgbe e mesịrị[dezie | dezie ebe o si]

Ọrụ ihe nkiri ya mechara mee gụnyere The Vault of Horror (1973) na The Happy Prince (1974), mana o lekwasịrị anya n'ọkwa: Ring Round the Moon (1975), 13 Rue de l'Amour (1976), Cause Célèbre (1978), Hay Fever (1980), na The Circle (1989). Johns gosipụtara dị ka Myrtle Bledsoe na mmalite nke Horton Foote's A Coffin na Egypt n'afọ 1998 na Bay Street Theatre .[4]

N'oge oge mbụ nke ihe nkiri NBC na-ewu ewu Cheers, Johns bụ onye ọbịa dịka nne Diane Chambers, Helen Chambers, onye bara ọgaranya na-enweghị isi nke, n'ihi nkwekọrịta na testament nke nna Diane nwụrụ anwụ, ga-efunahụ ego ya niile ọ gwụla ma Diane lụrụ di n'echi ya. N'afọ 1988 na 1989, ọ rụrụ ọrụ Trudie Pepper, onye agadi bi n'obodo ezumike nká nke Arizona, na ihe nkiri telivishọn Coming of Age na CBS.[5]

Johns mere nne nne na-ejide igwefoto na 1995 Sandra Bullock hit While You Were Sleeping . Ihe nkiri ikpeazụ ọ pụtara bụ dịka nne nne Molly Shannon na ihe nkiri Superstar nke afọ 1999.

Johns lụrụ di ugboro anọ. Di mbụ ya bụ Anthony Forwood (nwụrụ n'afọ 1942), onye ya na ya mụrụ naanị nwa ya, onye na-eme ihe nkiri Gareth Forwood, n'afọ 1945. Site n'afọ 1952 ruo 1956, ọ lụrụ David Foster, onye ọrụ Royal Navy na onye isi oche nke Colgate-Palmolive.[6] Ọ lụrụ Cecil Henderson, onye ọchụnta ego, na 1960.[7] Ọ lụrụ Elliott Arnold, onye edemede, n'afọ1964.[8][9][10][11]

Nwa Johns Gareth nwụrụ tupu ya, ọ nwụrụ n'afọ 2007.

Johns bi na Belmont Village Hollywood Heights, obodo ndị agadi bi, nke dị na Los Angeles, California nso Hollywood Bowl.[12]

Afọ Aha ya Ọrụ Ihe edeturu
1938 Ịnya Ụgbọ Mmiri n'ebe Ndịda Midge Anụ
Ogbugbu n'Ezinụlọ Marjorie Osborne
Ụlọ Mkpọrọ Na-enweghị Ogwe Nina
1939 N'abalị Ọkụ Mary Carr
1940 N'okpuru Okpu Gị Winnie
Ezinụlọ Briggs Sheila Briggs
Onye Ozu nke Baghdad Nwa agbọghọ nke adaeze Enweghị aha
Praịm Minista Nwaanyị Sheridan Enweghị aha
1941 49th Parallel Anna Won - National Board of Review Awards 1942 maka Best Acting
1943 Ihe Ndị Mere Na Tartu Paula Palacek U.S. aha Sabotage Agent
1944 Ụlọ Ọkara Gwyneth
1945 Ndị Na-amaghị Ihe Zuru Okike Dizzy Clayton U.S. aha ezumike site na alụmdi na nwunye
1946 Nwoke A Ọ bụ nke M Millie
1947 Frieda Judy
Di Dị Mma Miss Mabel Chiltern
1948 Miranda Miranda Trewella
1949 Oge nke Atọ Lucky Joan Burns
Helter Skelter Miranda Trewella Enweghị aha
Ezigbo Maazị Prohack Mimi Warburton
1950 Ihe Nzuzo nke Mba Lisa Robinson U.S. aha The Great Manhunt
1951 Anụ na Ọbara Katherine
Enweghị Okporo ụzọ Marjorie Corder U.S. aha No Highway in the Sky
Nhọpụta ya na Venus Nicola Fallaize U.S. aha Island Rescue
Ọzọkwa Stella Cotman akụkụ "Gigolo na Gigolette"
Igbe Ime Anwansi May Jones
1952 Kaadị ahụ Ruth Earp U.S. aha The Promoter
1953 Mma Agha na Rose Princess Mary Tudor
Ihe gbasara Onwe Onye Barbara Vining
Rob Roy, onye na-eme ihe ike n'ugwu Helen Mary MacPherson MacGregor
1954 Ndị Na-adịghị Ike na Ndị Ọjọọ Jean Raymond U.S. aha Young and Willing
Ndị Na-achọ Ihe Marion Southey U.S. aha Land of Fury
Onye Na-aga n'Ọsọ Oké Osimiri Martha Jones
Ọrịa Banyere Ụmụ nwoke Caroline Trewella / Miranda Trewella
1955 Josephine na Ndị ikom Josephine Luton
Onye na-eme ihe nkiri n'ụlọ ikpe Nwa agbọghọ Jean
1956 Onye Na-emeri Na-ewere Ihe Nile Cary
Gburugburu Ụwa n'ime Ụbọchị 80 Enyi nwanyị na-eme egwuregwu
1957 Ihe nile nke m ga-enye Jo Eunson
1958 Oge Ọzọ, Ebe Ọzọ Kay Trevor
1959 Kpọọ Aka na Ekwensu Kitty Brady
1960 Nke ikpeazụ n'ime Mmadụ ole na ole Onye na-akọ akụkọ
Ebe Ịsa Nku ahụ Clarissa Hailsham-Brown
Ndị Na-anabata Oge Ọwụwa Anyanwụ Oriakụ Firth A họpụtara ya - Ihe nrite Academy maka onye na-eme ihe nkiri kacha mma
1962 Kọmitii nke Caligari Jane Lindstrom
Akụkọ Chapman Teresa Harnish A họpụtara ya - Golden Globe Award maka onye na-eme ihe nkiri kacha mma na ihe nkiri Motion
1963 Ọnọdụ Dị Nro nke Papa Amberlyn Griffith
1964 Mary Poppins Winifred Banks
1965 Ezigbo Brigitte Mkpụrụ osisi Vina Leaf
1968 Ejila Onwe Gị n'Ebe Ọdịdị! Sabine Manning
1969 Kwụsị ụmụ gị nwanyị! Oriakụ Squeezum
1972 N'okpuru Osisi Mmiri ara ehi Ọnụahịa Myfanwy
1973 Ebe Obibi nke Egwu Eleanor (Akụkụ "Ọrụ Dị Mma")
1974 Nwa Eze Obi Ụtọ Mmiri ara Olu, dị mkpirikpi
1975 Oriakụ Amworth Oriakụ Amworth N'ụzọ dị mkpirikpi
1977 Ụmụ nwanyị Atọ Dị Iche Iche Oriakụ Amworth (Nkebi "Mrs. Amworth")
1982 Obere Gloria.. Obi Ụtọ N'ikpeazụ Laura Fitzpatrick Morgan Ihe nkiri TV
1987 Nukie Nwanne nwanyị Anne
1988 Scooby-Doo na ụlọ akwụkwọ Ghoul Grimwood Olu, ihe nkiri TV
Mụ na Zelly Co-Co
1994 Ihe Ndị Na-eme Rose
1995 Mgbe Ị Na-ehi Ụra Elsie
1999 Onye a ma ama Nne nne Ọrụ ihe nkiri ikpeazụ

Akụkụ telivishọn[dezie | dezie ebe o si]

Afọ Aha ya Ọrụ Ihe edeturu
1956 Ụlọ Egwuregwu Errol Flynn Lou McNamara / Susan Tracey Ihe omume 2
1958 Ihe ngosi Frank Sinatra Christine Nolan Ihe omume: Ihu nke Egwu
1961 Ihe Ndị Na-eme n'Oké Mkpa Esther Holmes
Obodo Ndị Na-agba ọtọ Nwaanyị Arlington
1963 Glynis Glynis Granville Ihe omume 13
1964 12 elekere dị elu Jennifer Heath
1967 Batman Lady Penelope Peasoup Ihe omume 4
1968 Ụlọ Egwuregwu ITV Lorraine Barrie Ihe omume: Star Quality
1983 Ịṅụrị ọṅụ Oriakụ Helen Chambers
1984 Ụgbọ Mmiri Ịhụnanya Edna Miles
1985 Ogbugbu, O dere Bridget O'Hara Ihe omume: Na-abụ abụ igbu ọchụ
1987 Ndị Cavanaugh Maureen Ihe omume: Anya Enweela ya
1988-89 Ọbịbịa nke Afọ Trudie Pepper Ihe omume iri na ise

Ihe nkiri (ahọrọ)[dezie | dezie ebe o si]

  • 1936 St Helena, Old Vic Theatre
  • 1937 Ụbọchị Ikpe, Embassy na Strand Theatres
  • 1938 Agbamakwụkwọ dị jụụ, Wyndham's Theatre
  • 1941 Ngwụsị izu dị jụụ, Ụlọ Egwuregwu Wyndham
  • 1943 Peter Pan, Ụlọ Egwuregwu Cambridge
  • 1950 Fools Rush In, Fortune Theatre
  • 1950 The Way Things Go, Phoenix Theatre
  • 1952 Gertie (onye isi), Broadway
  • 1956 Major Barbara (onye isi), Broadway
  • 1963 Too True to Be Good, Broadway
  • 1966 Eze's Mare, Garrick Theatre
  • 1969 A Talent to Amuse, Phoenix Theatre
  • 196970 Come As You Are, New Theatre
  • 1972 Marquise, Bristol Hippodrome
  • 1973 A Little Night Music (Tony Award for Best Actress in a Musical), Broadway
  • 1975 Ring Round the Moon, Los Angeles
  • 1976 13 Rue de l'Amour, Ụlọ Egwuregwu Phoenix
  • 1978 Cause Celebre (Ihe nrite Best Actress, Variety Club), Her Majesty's Theatre
  • 1980 1980 1980 1980 Hay Fever, Yvonne Arnaud Theatre, Guildford na njem
  • 198990 The Circle, Broadway
  • 1998 Igbe ozu n'Ijipt, Bay Street Theatre, Sag Harbor
  1. Glynis Johns Biography. TCM.com. Retrieved on 3 November 2017.
  2. Pender (15 April 2021). The Stephen Sondheim Encyclopedia. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. ISBN 9781538115879. Retrieved on 20 January 2022. 
  3. 3.0 3.1 "THE LIFE STORY OF Glynis Johns", The Voice, 20 September 1952, p. 4. Retrieved on 31 August 2017. Kpọpụta njehie: Invalid <ref> tag; name "johns" defined multiple times with different content
  4. Glynis Johns Opens Foote's Coffin in Egypt at Bay Street June 17 – Playbill. Playbill (17 June 1998).
  5. Terrace (2011). Encyclopedia of Television Shows, 1925 through 2010, 2nd, Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland & Company. ISBN 978-0-7864-6477-7. 
  6. "Obituary" The Telegraph, 18 July 2010
  7. "1960 Press Photo British actress Glynis Johns and husband Cecil Henderson" picclick.co.uk, retrieved 7 April 2019
  8. "British Actress Married" Tucson Daily Citizen (archives), October 2, 1964
  9. Berkvist, Robert. "Miss Johns Hits a High Note" The New York Times, March 11, 1973
  10. "Glynis Johns Companions" tcm.com, retrieved 7 April 2019
  11. "Glynis Johns Is Engaged" The New York Times, June 25, 1964
  12. Glynis Johns.

Njikọ mpụga[dezie | dezie ebe o si]


!colspan="3" style="background:#C1D8FF;"| Batman



