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Kommando LSK/LV

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Regimental colour nke NVA (East Germany)

  Ọrụ bụ isi nke Kdo LSK/LV bụ inye Command, Control na Communications (C3) na ngalaba ndị agha n'ozuzu ya, yana iwu, otu, òtù, na nkeji nke NVA's Air. Ike. N'okpuru ọnọdụ nnyefe, yana n'usoro ọnọdụ mmata C3 ga-egbu ya site na Main Air Force Operations Center, nke a na-akpọ Zentraler Gefechtsstand 14 (ZGS-14) na Fürstenwalde, Rear Operations Center (Rückwärtige Führungsstaffel - RFS) na Beeskow (Ranzig), ma ọ bụ ụlọ ọrụ nwa oge (Hilfsführungsstelle - HFS) na Strausberg (Eggersdorf).

  • Deputy Minister and Commander-in-chief LSK/LV (3 star level) with the chief's office, flight planning and military advisor
  • Deputy of the Commander LSK/LV (DC LSK/LV) and Chief of the Political Division (2 star level) with
  • Three branches including Chief Party Control Commission (de: PKK), Central Party Leadership (de: ZPL), Spec-Propaganda, and Political Branch of the Kdo LSK/LV
  • DC LSK/LV and Chief of Staff (CS) (2 star level) with
  • Assistant Chief Of Staff (ACOS) and A3 (1 star level) with
    • Branch 1 (4 sections; section EW, Counter Measures (de: GTAG), 3 radio electronic control vehicles; section military topography)
    • Branch 2
    • Combat Operations Center (de: GFZ)
  • ACOS and Chief and Automation (de: GSA) (1 star level) with
    • Branch Operations Centres (de: GS]
    • Branch C2 Mechanisation and Automation, IT (de: MAT DV)
    • Operations Training and Education Center (de: OTAZ)
  • ACOS and Chief General Tasks with
    • Staff company, guard company and vehicle company
  • Chief A1 with PTA and WTA
  • Chief Organization/Replenishment with
    • Branch Organization
    • Branch Replenishment
    • Chief RECON
    • Chief General-Military Training and Schools (de: AMAS)
    • Chief A6 and ATC with
      • Branches 1, 2 and 8th section
    • Chief Mil Scientific (de: MiWi)
    • Chief Chemical Services (de: CD)
  • DC LSK/LV and Chief Military - and Transport Aviation (de. MTFK) (2 star level) with
    • Chief Aviation Procurement and Maintenance (de: FID) (1 star level)
    • Chief Front Aviation
    • Chief Transport Aviation
    • Chief Helicopter
    • Search and Rescue (SAR), senior air traffic controller, parachute service
  • DC LSK/LV and Chief Air Defence (2 star level) with
    • Chief SAM Forces (de. FRT)
    • Chief Fighter Air Craft Aviation (de: JFK)
  • DC LSK/LV and Chief A4 (de. RD) (2 star level) with
    • AC and CS A4 (1 Star level)
    • Chief Medical Service
    • Chief Combat Engineer Service
    • Chief Military Architecture Accommodation (de: MBU)
    • Chief Military Transport (de: MTW)
    • Chief Closing and Equipment (de: BA)
  • Chief Tactical Air Command and Control Service (TACCS) (de. FuTT) (1 star level) with