Explore Britannica Scholars

Sea Otters’ Tool Use May Date Back Thousands or Even Millions of Years
Otters have been teaching each other the tricks of the trade for much longer than we thought.
See also: otter, mammal
On This Day
The Old Man
In 1899 American writer Ernest Hemingway—famous for his adventurous life and his lucid, masculine prose, for which he earned the 1954 Nobel Prize for Literature—was born.
Science in Pictures
Growth Rings
By studying trees' growth rings, scientists can determine the past climatic conditions under which the trees grew. climatology botany
See Also:
Bio of the Day
Morgan Freeman
Morgan Freeman, whose emotional depth and versatility made him one of the most respected performers of his generation, was born this day in 1937. He won an Academy Award for his role in the film Million Dollar Baby (2004)


On This Day

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