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Galway (Iers: Gaillimh) is 'n sjtad in Ierlandj enne sjtad van 't graofsjap Galway inne pervinsje Connacht. De stad ligk vriewaal halverwaeges aon de weskus van 't eiland aon de Galway Bay, 'n inham vanne Atlantische Oceaan, en wuuertj van naord nao zuud doorsni-jje dore reveer de Corrib. In 2011 talj de stad 75.430 inwoeaners. [1] 't Is de veerde grootste sjtadsgebeed inne Ierlandj en de zesde sjtad van 't landj.


[bewirk | brón bewèrke]

D'r naom kump vanne reveer Gaillimh, auch Corrib genump, dae de weskantj vormde vanne iërste dörpke op dees plek, Dún Bhun na Gaillimhe ("Fort biej de mondj vanne Gaillimh"). [2] 't Woeardj Gaillimh beduit "stony", of sjteinig, ómdet de Gaillimh vol mit sjteine is. Vreuger woear d'r naom gesjreve as Galliv[3], wat kump oet 't Latien veer de sjtad, Galvia.


[bewirk | brón bewèrke]
  1. 2009 demographics, Lorna Siggins, Irish Times, 24 September 2009, Almost 20% of Galway’s citizens are non-Irish [ "The Irish Times"]
  2. David B. Quinn "Columbus and the North: England, Iceland, and Ireland", The William and Mary Quarterly, Third Series, Vol 49, No. 2 (Apr., 1992), pp. 278–297
  3. Kavanagh, Mary. Galway-Gaillimh: a bibliography of the city and county. Galway County Council, 2000.
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