Vehicle Checker

Vehicle checker banner

Scotland’s Low Emission Zones will only allow access to vehicles which meet minimum emission standards or meet the exemption criteria.

The below vehicle checker will allow you, by providing your vehicle registration number, to check if your vehicle can or cannot drive within a LEZ based on whether it is considered compliant or non-compliant with the emission standards.

Please note that the vehicle checker will not provide an exemption status for all national or local exemptions. You will need to check whether you or your vehicle meet exemption criteria before travel.

If your Vehicle Registration Number (Number Plate) has changed in the last five years the result from the vehicle checker may not be correct. You should therefore confirm if your vehicle is compliant by checking the emission standards with the manufacturer.

This service cannot check vehicles that are registered outside the UK.

*If your Vehicle Registration Number (Number Plate) has changed in the last five years the result from the vehicle checker may not be correct. You should therefore confirm if your vehicle is compliant by checking the emission standards with the manufacturer.

The data accuracy of this service is always improving, it is recommended you recheck your vehicle shortly before you intend to drive in any LEZ. If you think your result is incorrect, please submit evidence by way of a copy of your vehicle's V5C, Certificate of Conformity or a letter from the vehicle's manufacturer to