This story is from June 27, 2020

Amala Shankar turns a day younger

Amala Shankar turns a day younger
Amala Shankar turned 102 on Saturday. The legendary danseuse, who is currently staying with daughter Mamata Shankar, celebrated the day with her family. “Almost all of us are here and ma is having a gala time with four generations at my place,” said Mamata Shankar.
But how was the celebration? “It is difficult to believe but we have decided to compose a choreography yesterday. Within 24 hours, we have compiled the music, composed the moves, record*ed the video of the performance, edited and finally uploaded it.It was aq huge task but we pulled through gleefully. The choreography talks about the recent time. For my mother, any dance composition needs to have a story to tell and a message to give. We are very satisfied,” Mamata Shankar said.
And what’s on the menu? There is nothing elaborate, confirmed Mamata Shankar. “Parota, alur dom, chicken and payesh. Payesh is a must in this family. We celebrate a birthday with dhan dubbo, alpona, payesh, panch phuler jol — five flowers soaked water. When I was young, I saw my mother doing everything single-handedly. Till now, I used to do everything single-handedly. Now, my daughters-in-law took the charge. Today, one made payesh and one arranged everything else, including alpana. This is going on for generations in our family. We did not buy any gifts. But her presence is the greatest gift for us right now,” she added.
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