This story is from March 2, 2021

​Nigel set to return to the stage after seven years

​Nigel set to return to the stage after seven years

After seven years, actor Nigel Akkara is all set to return to the stage with his new production ‘Mukhoshtantra’. The play is a reinterpretation of William Shakespeare’s Macbeth and it is the fourth production of Nigel’s group Kolahal.
The cast and crew are largely from Kolahal, and Nigel will play the lead role of Macbeth. Actress Ashmita Mukherjee will be seen as Lady Macbeth, actor Debasish Sarkar will be Duncan and the role of Malcolm will be portrayed by Prajna Dutta.

Talking about the play Nigel said that since it is reinterpretation, they are experimenting with the presentation. For example, there has been extensive use of martial folk arts. “From Bengal, there are Chhau and Raibenshe, on the other hand, we have used South Indian forms like Kalaripayattu and Silambam. Along with those, we have added Filipino Art of Kali and the Maori art of Haka,” he said.

Interestingly, after Balmiki Pratibha, Nigel has not been seen on the stages for the last seven years. Even though he has been associated with numerous productions by Kolahal, he didn’t act in any of them. “For the last couple of years, a Chittaranjan-based group has been asking us to perform there. They wanted me to act in a play, but I have been refusing it. Then just before the lockdown, another Kolkata-based group that works with specially-abled children requested me the same. Then I decided to do it but for the lockdown, things got postponed,” he said. The play will be staged on April 4 at Chittaranjan.
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