01/8Struggling with arm fat?

Arm fat is mainly a result of excess fat in the body around our arms, which happens when we gain weight. To address this, a holistic approach and a healthy diet are essential, but a fitness regimen is primarily required. In this routine, yoga is a great addition. Today, we’ll look at some effective yoga poses that can help reduce arm fat.


02/8Adho Mukha Svanasana

Adho Mukha Svanasana

Also known as the downward dog pose, this asana focuses on the calf and arm muscles and relieves headaches, back pain, stress, and fatigue in our the body. You just need to go down on all fours, place your knees down and palms on the floor and be in a straight and first position for around 30 seconds.

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03/8Dandayamana Bharmanasana

Dandayamana Bharmanasana

This asana is known as the Balancing Table Pose, which reduces fat on the arms and develops overall stability, balance, and memory power in an individual. It works by raising your right hand parallel to the floor with the chest and abdominal region, and then raising the left leg the same way you raised your right hand.


04/8Utthita Ardha Dhanurasana

Utthita Ardha Dhanurasana

Known as the standing half-bow pose, this asana is proven to strengthen your hips and thighs, and toning your arm fat too. You just need to stand straight and lean the upper body forward. Now, lift your leg backward and transfer the body weight to the other leg, while lifting the left leg with your hand. Hold the pose for 30 seconds and switch sides then.

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This is known as the thunderbolt pose and is known for its calming effect. You need to sit down on the floor and stretch out your legs, bend them below the buttocks, and lie in a knee-down position, holding the backside of your leg and keeping the toes together pressed towards the floor.

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06/8 Prasarita Padottanasana

 Prasarita Padottanasana

The wide-legged forward bend has two variations and both are known for strengthening the feet, calves, spine, and arms. This asana is also used for reducing the fat stored. You need to stand straight and raise your hands parallel to the floor and to the shoulder level. Place your legs wide and slowly lend the upper body forward placing the hands on the ground, aligning with your feet for 30 seconds.

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This asana is known as the eagle pose and is best when it comes to toning of arms. You just need to stand straight and lift your left foot while standing with the other leg, curl your left leg around your right, and face your left foot downwards pointing towards the ground. Create a balance and stretch both arms intertwined with the right above the left, and bend to the floor and parallel to the body.

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In the crow pose you need to stand upright with your feet shoulder-width apart with hands hanging vertically on either side. Come to a squat posture and place your palms flat on the floor, pushing the feet off the ground, while resting your knees on the back of your upper arms. Exhale and slowly come out of this position, taking a break while doing this 4 more times.

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