Babel user information
sv-N Den här användaren har svenska som modersmål.
en-3 This user has advanced knowledge of English.
de-1 Dieser Benutzer beherrscht Deutsch auf grundlegendem Niveau.
es-1 Este usuario tiene un conocimiento básico del español.
nb-1 Denne brukeren har grunnleggende kjennskap til norsk bokmål.
nn-1 Denne brukaren meistrar nynorsk på eit grunnleggjande nivå.
da-1 Denne bruger har grundlæggende kendskab til dansk.
fi-0 Tämä käyttäjä osaa hyvin vähän tai ei lainkaan suomea.
se-0 Dát geavaheaddji máhttá davvisámegiela hui veaháš dahje ii máhte dan ollege.
ru-0 Этот участник не владеет русским языком (или понимает его с трудом).
mn-0 Энэ хэрэглэгч монгол хэлний мэдлэггүй байна (эсвэл их хүндрэлтэйгээр ойлгодог).
bs-0 Ovaj korisnik ne govori bosanski (ili ga razumije sa velikim poteškoćama).
hr-0 Ovaj suradnik ne govori hrvatski jezik (ili ga razumije prilično otežano).
tr-0 Bu kullanıcı hiç Türkçe bilmiyor (ya da bir hayli zor anlıyor).
sux-0 This user has no knowledge of Sumerian (or understands it with considerable difficulty).
Users by language

Real name: Anders Andersson

Subject areas


Alphabetical any easily in information is most order sorted understood when.

Current work


Class logic


The distinction between class and instance is not always clear. Here is a rule of thumb that may work (not sure if it applies in every language):

  • Nurse is a profession (an instance of profession).
  • Health worker is also an instance of profession.
  • A nurse is a health worker (a subclass of health worker).

Try moving the indefinite article around and see what happens. "A nurse" refers to a member of the nurse group, while "nurse" refers to the group as a whole. A few more examples:

  • Road is an infrastructure (an instance of infrastructure).
  • Transport route is also an instance of infrastructure.
  • A road is a transport route (a subclass of transport route).
  • Square is a shape (an instance of shape).
  • Rectangle is also an instance of shape.
  • A square is a rectangle (a subclass of rectangle).

Cleaning up the root


Computing history


Vintage computers


Recreate old hardware in virtual reality.

Data representation


Apple computers and orange revolutions.

Future applications


Enable Wikipedia


Allow Wikipedia to benefit from the full potential of Wikidata without depending on inverse properties.

Library development


Prototyping in Lua.

Geometric shapes


Information theory


Dimensions of data


Spherical vectors and non-linear vector field arrays are potential new data types.

Linguistic modelling


Clarifying lexemes


What is a lexeme, and what isn't?

Semantic grammar


We want to translate semantics, not merely cache translations.

Contextual relations


How many different senses can a preposition really have? Phasing out of (P642) is a good start.

Wikidata Work strategy


The number of Q items is in the range of hundreds of millions. The number ofproperties in the tens of thousands. To improve the expressivenessof Wikidata statements. It's better to comeup with new items than to invent new properties seldom to be used. Besides, item creation doesn't require discussion and consensus like property proposals do, so using items leaves more options available for independent development. It's like modern pictorial art. To create new works of art and establish new genres, a good artist doesn't need new colours of paint, but will make do with what already exists. New and unexpected combinations of existing things is innovative too. such as rock opera and BluegnrassmusicinKorean language ̺(The Cleverlys (Q107440227))ˌ.



The word is not the thing.

Mongolian writing systems




Property value inheritance




Consider some new transitivity paths, such as corporate membership and ownership.



Unfinished work


Nematode infections


Quite an interesting case of confusion:

Item History Wikipedia Wikipedia quotes
Subclass of Selected properties
ancylostomiasis (Q14623417)
  1. 2013-08-19 = uk = fi = no = ru = eo = id = ko = fr
  2. 2013-10-18 = no to Ancylostomatidae (Q3093248)
  3. 2014-01-05 = en
  4. 2014-07-28 = or
  5. 2014-08-01 merged into ancylostomiasis (Q11679861)
(no subclass)
ancylostomiasis (Q11679861)
  1. 2013-04-21 = en es fr
  2. 2013-05-10 = fa = pt
  3. 2013-06-02 = sw
  4. 2013-06-03 = sw removed
  5. 2013-07-03 = is
  6. 2013-07-06 = vi
  7. 2013-08-13 = ml
  8. 2013-08-19 = hi = ar
  9. 2013-10-08 = de
  10. 2013-10-19 = sv
  11. 2013-11-02 = ga
  12. 2013-12-04 = de removed = fr removed
  13. 2014-01-05 = en removed
  1. 2014-08-01 = merged with ancylostomiasis (Q14623417) en eo fi fr id ko or ru uk
  2. 2014-10-21 = de
  3. 2014-12-26 = ar
  4. 2014-10-21 = ta
  5. 2015-01-22 = en
  6. 2015-07-10 = ar
  7. 2015-11-27 = uk removed
  8. 2016-02-16 = commons
  9. 2016-08-26 = merged from ancylostomiasis (Q18554387) (no links)
  10. 2016-12-17 = ta removed
  11. 2017-01-04 = merged into hookworm disease (Q5898175)
  12. 2017-01-05 = merge into hookworm disease (Q5898175) undone
  13. 2017-03-01 = eo
  14. 2017-03-02 = eo
  15. 2017-03-13 = eo = eo
  16. 2017-09-07 = merged from ancylostomiasis (Q25572047) = ky
  17. 2017-12-12 = de = de undone
  18. 2018-12-04 = pt = pt
  19. 2020-04-07 = fa removed
  • en: Two common hookworm infections in humans are ancylostomiasis and necatoriasis
  • ru: Возбудитель — паразитические круглые черви из рода анкилостом (Ancylostoma).
necatoriasis (Q4118581)
  1. 2013-02-05 = ar en ru
  • en: This hookworm infection is a type of helminthiasis (infection) which is a type of neglected tropical disease
  • ru: Некатороз (Necatorosis; Necatoriasis) — гельминтоз из группы нематодозов, вызываемый Necator americanus и характеризующийся диспептическими явлениями, признаками аллергии и развитием гипохромной анемии
ancylostoma duodenale ancylostomiasis (Q137597)
  1. 2012-11-26 = ar ca de en it ja ky pl ru sr
  • en: Ancylostomiasis is a hookworm disease caused by infection with Ancylostoma hookworms
  • ru: Объединяют два гельминтоза — анкилостомоз и некатороз, схожие по клиническим и эпидемиологическим признакам
hookworm disease (Q5898175)
nematode infection (Q2072680)
parasitic helminthiasis infectious disease (Q578994)

Legend for the Wikipedia column:

Tag Explanation
A+N Article is about the generic hookworm disease, including both parasites
A__ Article is about the ancylostomiasis disease
__N Article is about the necatoriasis disease
_?_ Article is too brief, unclear, or difficult for me to translate even with Google Translate to reliably determine its subject

The only languages with articles for all three interrelated items are Arabic, English, and Russian (plus Kirghiz for the two mutually confused articles only), where the Russian article disagrees with the English one on its subject and (I think) also the Arabic one, but this is not a simple majority point of view issue, and there may have been many changes and "corrections" done to the items by editors who have been unaware of the disputable linking of either language edition. Let's not disappoint those editors who were correct in the first place by unnecessarily redefining the items according to what topics may have been inferred later.

So this is apparently why there was a subclass loop between ancylostomiasis (Q11679861) and ancylostoma duodenale ancylostomiasis (Q137597) in the first place. After my initial attempt to resolve the loop by removing one of the subclass links was reverted, I found myself creating this table simply to figure out why we had different opinions on which subclass link should be removed. Thanks to User:Infovarius for drawing my attention to the confusion!

For additional reference, here are the associated nematode species

Item History Wikipedia Wikipedia quotes
Subclass of Selected properties
Ancylostoma duodenale (Q2520810)
(not a subclass)
Necator americanus (Q2433913)
(not a subclass)
Ancylostomatidae (Q3093248)
(no subclass)

And I need to work on my table design skills as well...

Lexical reference

Shorthand Description Latin term or grammatical feature English Russian
ancylostomatidae = Latin = Latin
NA necator americanus

Planned resolution


When the above analysis is finished, here is what should be done (plan to be further refined as potential issues emerge):

  1. Spell out which item should serve what purpose, where unclear
  2. Move away those interwiki links and other item properties that don't belong with either of the items being revised
  3. Delete or rectify properties (including labels and descriptions) that are in error, or will be in error after the revision
  4. Move



Wikidata contents



Date and time Highest numbered item Number of items Highest numbered property Number of properties
2020-05-24 12:23 UTC TO THE EDITOR (Q95375079) 86577965 field of training (P8258) 7580
2020-10-06 05:04 UTC Franklin School (Q100000001) social media followers (P8687)
2021-10-17 00:24 UTC Mirnawati (Q108911746) Research Vocabularies Australia ID (P10000)
Date and time P279 Subclasses Classes Metaclasses
2020-06-01 18:30 UTC 2994218 2428462 117174 4951

Count item labels

SELECT ?item ?itemLabel (COUNT(?value) AS ?values)
  ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q6256.
  OPTIONAL{?item rdfs:label ?value}
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en". }
GROUP BY ?item ?itemLabel
ORDER BY DESC(?values)
Try it!

Count properties

SELECT (COUNT(?property) AS ?properties) WHERE {
    ?property wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q18616576.
Try it!
SELECT ?class ?classLabel (COUNT(?property) AS ?properties) WHERE {
  SELECT DISTINCT ?class ?classLabel ?property WHERE {
    ?property wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q18616576.
    ?property wdt:P31 ?class.
    SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en". }
GROUP BY ?class ?classLabel
ORDER BY DESC(?properties)
Try it!

Non-instance items


I'm not quite sure what I'm looking for here; just exploring...

SELECT ?item ?itemLabel (COUNT(?property) AS ?statements)
  ?item rdf:type wdno:P31.
  OPTIONAL{?item ?property ?value}
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en". }
GROUP BY ?item ?itemLabel
ORDER BY DESC(?statements)
Try it!

Wikimedia project usage
