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BOT generated Meta report. The bot reports here when:

  • More than 66% of the cross-wiki placing and addition of this link has been performed by one editor, and the link has been added to 3 or more wikimedia sites.
  • The user is adding more than 2 domains to more than 2 wikis, but they all reside on the same server.
  • The links are exclusively added by IPs to more than 2 wikis.
  • Several IPs are adding the link to more than 2 wikis, but the IPs are in a close (/24) range.


User(s) earlier in report:

Site info and monitoring rules
  • Site scriptureearth.org (;
    • Base: 'guide.opendns.com' (;
    • ContentBase: ;
    • Server: 'OpenDNS Guide';
    • Client response num: 1.
  • Link is not on the blacklist.
  • COIBot domainredlist search for link scriptureearth.org gives:
  • scriptureearth.org (User LorenMH is using link scriptureearth.org cross-wiki)

Additions in database of this link.

  1. 2009-10-23 18:03:47 (UTC): User en:LorenMH (talk - contribs; 65) to en:Zapotec languages (diff - undo - hist - NOT TOP - Not in top edit).
    Added links:
    - www.scriptureearth.org/00i-Scripture_Index.php?sortby=lang&search=Z (C, X)
  2. 2009-10-23 18:11:32 (UTC): User en:LorenMH (talk - contribs; 65) to en:Amuzgo (diff - undo - hist - NOT TOP - Not in top edit).
    Added links:
    - www.scriptureearth.org/00i-Scripture_Index.php?sortby=country&name=MX (C, X)
  3. 2009-10-23 18:35:17 (UTC): User en:LorenMH (talk - contribs; 65) to en:Chatino (diff - undo - hist - NOT TOP - Not in top edit).
    Added links:
    - www.scriptureearth.org/00i-Scripture_Index.php?sortby=lang&search=C (C, X)
  4. 2009-10-23 18:44:52 (UTC): User es:LorenMH (talk - contribs; 65) to es:Chatino (etnia) (diff - undo - hist - NOT TOP - Not in top edit).
    Added links:
    - www.scriptureearth.org/00i-Scripture_Index.php?sortby=lang&search=C (C, X)
  5. 2009-10-23 18:49:13 (UTC): User es:LorenMH (talk - contribs; 65) to es:Idioma chol (diff - undo - hist - NOT TOP - Not in top edit).
    Added links:
    - www.scriptureearth.org/00i-Scripture_Index.php?sortby=lang&search=C (C, X)
  6. 2009-10-23 22:20:11 (UTC): User en:LorenMH (talk - contribs; 65) to en:Chinantecan languages (diff - undo - hist - NOT TOP - Not in top edit).
    Added links:
    - www.scriptureearth.org/00i-Scripture_Index.php?sortby=lang&search=C (C, X)
  7. 2009-10-23 22:25:38 (UTC): User es:LorenMH (talk - contribs; 65) to es:Idioma chinanteco (diff - undo - hist - NOT TOP - Not in top edit).
    Added links:
    - www.scriptureearth.org/00i-Scripture_Index.php?sortby=lang&search=C (C, X)
  8. 2009-10-23 22:31:53 (UTC): User en:LorenMH (talk - contribs; 65) to en:Chontal Maya language (diff - undo - hist - NOT TOP - Not in top edit).
    Added links:
    - www.scriptureearth.org/00i-Scripture_Index.php?sortby=lang&search=C (C, X)
  9. 2009-10-23 22:35:09 (UTC): User es:LorenMH (talk - contribs; 65) to es:Idioma chontal de Tabasco (diff - undo - hist - NOT TOP - Not in top edit).
    Added links:
    - www.scriptureearth.org/00i-Scripture_Index.php?sortby=lang&search=C (C, X)
  10. 2009-10-23 22:42:09 (UTC): User en:LorenMH (talk - contribs; 65) to en:Tequistlatecan languages (diff - undo - hist - NOT TOP - Not in top edit).
    Added links:
    - www.scriptureearth.org/00i-Scripture_Index.php?sortby=lang&search=C (C, X)
  11. 2009-10-23 22:45:02 (UTC): User es:LorenMH (talk - contribs; 65) to es:Lenguas tequistlatecas (diff - undo - hist - NOT TOP - Still there).
    Added links:
    - www.scriptureearth.org/00e-Escrituras_Indice.php?sortby=lang&search=C (C, X)
  12. 2009-10-23 23:02:19 (UTC): User en:LorenMH (talk - contribs; 65) to en:Cora language (diff - undo - hist - NOT TOP - Not in top edit).
    Added links:
    - www.scriptureearth.org/00i-Scripture_Index.php?sortby=lang&search=C (C, X)
  13. 2009-10-23 23:04:28 (UTC): User es:LorenMH (talk - contribs; 65) to es:Idioma cora (diff - undo - hist - NOT TOP - Still there).
    Added links:
    - www.scriptureearth.org/00e-Escrituras_Indice.php?sortby=lang&search=C (C, X)
  14. 2009-10-23 23:10:19 (UTC): User en:LorenMH (talk - contribs; 65) to en:Cuicatec (diff - undo - hist - NOT TOP - Not in top edit).
    Added links:
    - www.scriptureearth.org/00i-Scripture_Index.php?sortby=lang&search=C (C, X)
  15. 2009-10-23 23:23:54 (UTC): User en:LorenMH (talk - contribs; 65) to en:Huave language (diff - undo - hist - NOT TOP - Not in top edit).
    Added links:
    - www.scriptureearth.org/00i-Scripture_Index.php?sortby=lang&search=H (C, X)
  16. 2009-10-23 23:26:48 (UTC): User es:LorenMH (talk - contribs; 65) to es:Idioma huave (diff - undo - hist - NOT TOP - Not in top edit).
    Added links:
    - www.scriptureearth.org/00e-Escrituras_Indice.php?sortby=lang&search=H (C, X)
  17. 2009-10-23 23:54:28 (UTC): User en:LorenMH (talk - contribs; 65) to en:Huichol (diff - undo - hist - NOT TOP - Not in top edit).
    Added links:
    - www.scriptureearth.org/00i-Scripture_Index.php?sortby=lang&search=H (C, X)
  18. 2009-10-23 23:56:45 (UTC): User es:LorenMH (talk - contribs; 65) to es:Huichol (diff - undo - hist - NOT TOP - Not in top edit).
    Added links:
    - www.scriptureearth.org/00e-Escrituras_Indice.php?sortby=lang&search=H (C, X)
  19. 2009-10-23 23:58:33 (UTC): User es:LorenMH (talk - contribs; 65) to es:Idioma huichol (diff - undo - hist - NOT TOP - Not in top edit).
    Added links:
    - www.scriptureearth.org/00e-Escrituras_Indice.php?sortby=lang&search=H (C, X)
  20. 2009-10-24 00:01:15 (UTC): User en:LorenMH (talk - contribs; 65) to en:Huichol language (diff - undo - hist - NOT TOP - Not in top edit).
    Added links:
    - www.scriptureearth.org/00i-Scripture_Index.php?sortby=lang&search=H (C, X)
  21. 2009-10-24 00:19:23 (UTC): User en:LorenMH (talk - contribs; 65) to en:Lacandon language (diff - undo - hist - NOT TOP - Not in top edit).
    Added links:
    - www.scriptureearth.org/00i-Scripture_Index.php?sortby=lang&name=lac (C, X)
  22. 2009-10-24 00:21:46 (UTC): User es:LorenMH (talk - contribs; 65) to es:Idioma lacandón (diff - undo - hist - NOT TOP - Not in top edit).
    Added links:
    - www.scriptureearth.org/00e-Escrituras_Indice.php?sortby=lang&name=lac (C, X)
  23. 2009-10-24 00:24:33 (UTC): User en:LorenMH (talk - contribs; 65) to en:Mayo language (diff - undo - hist - NOT TOP - Not in top edit).
    Added links:
    - www.scriptureearth.org/00i-Scripture_Index.php?sortby=lang&name=mfy (C, X)
  24. 2009-10-24 00:26:31 (UTC): User es:LorenMH (talk - contribs; 65) to es:Idioma mayo (diff - undo - hist - NOT TOP - Not in top edit).
    Added links:
    - www.scriptureearth.org/00e-Escrituras_Indice.php?sortby=lang&name=mfy (C, X)
  25. 2009-10-24 00:30:00 (UTC): User en:LorenMH (talk - contribs; 65) to en:Mazahua language (diff - undo - hist - NOT TOP - Still there).
    Added links:
    - www.scriptureearth.org/00i-Scripture_Index.php?sortby=lang&name=maz (C, X)
  26. 2009-10-24 00:31:37 (UTC): User es:LorenMH (talk - contribs; 65) to es:Idioma mazahua (diff - undo - hist - NOT TOP - Not in top edit).
    Added links:
    - www.scriptureearth.org/00e-Escrituras_Indice.php?sortby=lang&name=maz (C, X)
  27. 2009-10-24 00:47:27 (UTC): User en:LorenMH (talk - contribs; 65) to en:Mazatecan languages (diff - undo - hist - NOT TOP - Not in top edit).
    Added links:
    - www.scriptureearth.org/00i-Scripture_Index.php?sortby=lang&search=M (C, X)
  28. 2009-10-28 17:49:20 (UTC): User en:LorenMH (talk - contribs; 65) to en:Mazatec (diff - undo - hist - NOT TOP - Not in top edit).
    Added links:
    - www.scriptureearth.org/00i-Scripture_Index.php?sortby=country&name=MX (C, X)
  29. 2009-10-28 17:52:06 (UTC): User es:LorenMH (talk - contribs; 65) to es:Mazateco (diff - undo - hist - NOT TOP - Not in top edit).
    Added links:
    - www.scriptureearth.org/00i-Scripture_Index.php?sortby=country&name=MX (C, X)
  30. 2009-10-28 17:54:30 (UTC): User en:LorenMH (talk - contribs; 65) to en:Mazahua (diff - undo - hist - NOT TOP - Not in top edit).
    Added links:
    - www.scriptureearth.org/00i-Scripture_Index.php?sortby=lang&name=maz (C, X)
  31. 2009-10-28 17:56:17 (UTC): User es:LorenMH (talk - contribs; 65) to es:Mazahua (diff - undo - hist - NOT TOP - Not in top edit).
    Added links:
    - www.scriptureearth.org/00i-Scripture_Index.php?sortby=lang&name=maz (C, X)
  32. 2009-10-28 18:02:48 (UTC): User en:LorenMH (talk - contribs; 65) to en:Tlapanec language (diff - undo - hist - NOT TOP - Not in top edit).
    Added links:
    - www.scriptureearth.org/00i-Scripture_Index.php?sortby=lang&name=tcf (C, X)
  33. 2009-10-28 18:05:23 (UTC): User es:LorenMH (talk - contribs; 65) to es:Idioma tlapaneco (diff - undo - hist - NOT TOP - Not in top edit).
    Added links:
    - www.scriptureearth.org/00e-Escrituras_Indice.php?sortby=lang&name=tcf (C, X)
  34. 2009-10-28 18:18:08 (UTC): User en:LorenMH (talk - contribs; 65) to en:Mixe languages (diff - undo - hist - NOT TOP - Not in top edit).
    Added links:
    - www.scriptureearth.org/00e-Escrituras_Indice.php?sortby=country&name=MX (C, X)
  35. 2009-10-28 18:19:44 (UTC): User es:LorenMH (talk - contribs; 65) to es:Idioma mixe (diff - undo - hist - NOT TOP - Not in top edit).
    Added links:
    - www.scriptureearth.org/00e-Escrituras_Indice.php?sortby=country&name=MX (C, X)
  36. 2009-10-28 18:29:08 (UTC): User en:LorenMH (talk - contribs; 65) to en:Mixtecan languages (diff - undo - hist - NOT TOP - Not in top edit).
    Added links:
    - www.scriptureearth.org/00e-Escrituras_Indice.php?sortby=country&name=MX (C, X)
  37. 2009-10-28 18:31:05 (UTC): User es:LorenMH (talk - contribs; 65) to es:Idioma mixteco (diff - undo - hist - NOT TOP - Not in top edit).
    Added links:
    - www.scriptureearth.org/00e-Escrituras_Indice.php?sortby=country&name=MX (C, X)
  38. 2009-10-28 18:40:31 (UTC): User en:LorenMH (talk - contribs; 65) to en:Nahuatl (diff - undo - hist - NOT TOP - Not in top edit).
    Added links:
    - www.scriptureearth.org/00e-Escrituras_Indice.php?sortby=country&name=MX (C, X)
  39. 2009-10-28 18:43:14 (UTC): User es:LorenMH (talk - contribs; 65) to es:Náhuatl (diff - undo - hist - NOT TOP - Not in top edit).
    Added links:
    - www.scriptureearth.org/00e-Escrituras_Indice.php?sortby=country&name=MX (C, X)
  40. 2009-10-28 20:38:23 (UTC): User en:LorenMH (talk - contribs; 65) to en:Otomi language (diff - undo - hist - TOP - Still there).
    Added links:
    - www.scriptureearth.org/00e-Escrituras_Indice.php?sortby=country&name=MX (C, X)
  41. 2009-10-28 20:42:17 (UTC): User es:LorenMH (talk - contribs; 65) to es:Idioma otomí (diff - undo - hist - TOP - Still there).
    Added links:
    - www.scriptureearth.org/00e-Escrituras_Indice.php?sortby=country&name=MX (C, X)
  42. 2009-10-28 20:45:42 (UTC): User en:LorenMH (talk - contribs; 65) to en:Pame language (diff - undo - hist - TOP - Still there).
    Added links:
    - www.scriptureearth.org/00e-Escrituras_Indice.php?sortby=country&name=MX (C, X)
  43. 2009-10-28 20:49:24 (UTC): User en:LorenMH (talk - contribs; 65) to en:Popolocan languages (diff - undo - hist - NOT TOP - Still there).
    Added links:
    - www.scriptureearth.org/00e-Escrituras_Indice.php?sortby=country&name=MX (C, X)
  44. 2009-10-28 20:52:03 (UTC): User en:LorenMH (talk - contribs; 65) to en:Popoluca (diff - undo - hist - NOT TOP - Still there).
    Added links:
    - www.scriptureearth.org/00e-Escrituras_Indice.php?sortby=country&name=MX (C, X)
  45. 2009-10-28 20:54:04 (UTC): User en:LorenMH (talk - contribs; 65) to en:Popoluca (diff - undo - hist - NOT TOP - Still there).
    Added links:
    - www.scriptureearth.org/00e-Escrituras_Indice.php?sortby=country&name=MX (C, X)
  46. 2009-10-28 23:03:16 (UTC): User en:LorenMH (talk - contribs; 65) to en:Seri language (diff - undo - hist - TOP - Still there).
    Added links:
    - www.scriptureearth.org/00e-Escrituras_Indice.php?sortby=lang&name=sei (C, X)
  47. 2009-10-28 23:04:30 (UTC): User es:LorenMH (talk - contribs; 65) to es:Idioma seri (diff - undo - hist - TOP - Still there).
    Added links:
    - www.scriptureearth.org/00e-Escrituras_Indice.php?sortby=lang&name=sei (C, X)
  48. 2009-10-28 23:08:32 (UTC): User en:LorenMH (talk - contribs; 65) to en:Tarahumara language (diff - undo - hist - TOP - Still there).
    Added links:
    - www.scriptureearth.org/00e-Escrituras_Indice.php?sortby=country&name=MX (C, X)
  49. 2009-10-28 23:09:27 (UTC): User en:LorenMH (talk - contribs; 65) to en:Tarahumara (diff - undo - hist - TOP - Still there).
    Added links:
    - www.scriptureearth.org/00e-Escrituras_Indice.php?sortby=country&name=MX (C, X)
  50. 2009-10-28 23:11:28 (UTC): User es:LorenMH (talk - contribs; 65) to es:Tarahumara (diff - undo - hist - TOP - Still there).
    Added links:
    - www.scriptureearth.org/00e-Escrituras_Indice.php?sortby=country&name=MX (C, X)
  51. 2009-10-28 23:12:25 (UTC): User es:LorenMH (talk - contribs; 65) to es:Idioma tarahumara (diff - undo - hist - TOP - Still there).
    Added links:
    - www.scriptureearth.org/00e-Escrituras_Indice.php?sortby=country&name=MX (C, X)
  52. 2009-10-28 23:16:01 (UTC): User en:LorenMH (talk - contribs; 65) to en:Tepehua language (diff - undo - hist - TOP - Still there).
    Added links:
    - www.scriptureearth.org/00e-Escrituras_Indice.php?sortby=country&name=MX (C, X)
  53. 2009-10-28 23:19:02 (UTC): User en:LorenMH (talk - contribs; 65) to en:Tepehuán (diff - undo - hist - TOP - Still there).
    Added links:
    - www.scriptureearth.org/00e-Escrituras_Indice.php?sortby=country&name=MX (C, X)
  54. 2009-10-28 23:20:07 (UTC): User en:LorenMH (talk - contribs; 65) to en:Tepehuán language (diff - undo - hist - TOP - Still there).
    Added links:
    - www.scriptureearth.org/00e-Escrituras_Indice.php?sortby=country&name=MX (C, X)
  55. 2009-10-28 23:22:45 (UTC): User es:LorenMH (talk - contribs; 65) to es:Tepehuanes (diff - undo - hist - NOT TOP - Not in top edit).
    Added links:
    - www.scriptureearth.org/00e-Escrituras_Indice.php?sortby=country&name=MX (C, X)
  56. 2009-10-28 23:27:27 (UTC): User en:LorenMH (talk - contribs; 65) to en:Totonac (diff - undo - hist - TOP - Still there).
    Added links:
    - www.scriptureearth.org/00e-Escrituras_Indice.php?sortby=country&name=MX (C, X)
  57. 2009-10-28 23:28:08 (UTC): User en:LorenMH (talk - contribs; 65) to en:Totonacan languages (diff - undo - hist - TOP - Still there).
    Added links:
    - www.scriptureearth.org/00e-Escrituras_Indice.php?sortby=country&name=MX (C, X)
  58. 2009-10-28 23:29:30 (UTC): User es:LorenMH (talk - contribs; 65) to es:Lenguas totonaco-tepehuas (diff - undo - hist - NOT TOP - Still there).
    Added links:
    - www.scriptureearth.org/00e-Escrituras_Indice.php?sortby=country&name=MX (C, X)
  59. 2009-10-28 23:31:48 (UTC): User es:LorenMH (talk - contribs; 65) to es:Idioma totonaco (diff - undo - hist - TOP - Still there).
    Added links:
    - www.scriptureearth.org/00e-Escrituras_Indice.php?sortby=country&name=MX (C, X)
  60. 2009-10-28 23:36:37 (UTC): User en:LorenMH (talk - contribs; 65) to en:Trique (diff - undo - hist - TOP - Still there).
    Added links:
    - www.scriptureearth.org/00e-Escrituras_Indice.php?sortby=country&name=MX (C, X)
  61. 2009-10-28 23:38:00 (UTC): User en:LorenMH (talk - contribs; 65) to en:Trique language (diff - undo - hist - TOP - Still there).
    Added links:
    - www.scriptureearth.org/00e-Escrituras_Indice.php?sortby=country&name=MX (C, X)
  62. 2009-10-28 23:40:35 (UTC): User es:LorenMH (talk - contribs; 65) to es:Idioma triqui (diff - undo - hist - NOT TOP - Still there).
    Added links:
    - www.scriptureearth.org/00e-Escrituras_Indice.php?sortby=country&name=MX (C, X)
  63. 2009-10-28 23:45:55 (UTC): User en:LorenMH (talk - contribs; 65) to en:Tzotzil language (diff - undo - hist - TOP - Still there).
    Added links:
    - www.scriptureearth.org/00e-Escrituras_Indice.php?sortby=country&name=MX (C, X)
  64. 2009-10-28 23:48:35 (UTC): User es:LorenMH (talk - contribs; 65) to es:Idioma tzotzil (diff - undo - hist - TOP - Still there).
    Added links:
    - www.scriptureearth.org/00e-Escrituras_Indice.php?sortby=country&name=MX (C, X)
  65. 2009-10-28 23:52:49 (UTC): User en:LorenMH (talk - contribs; 65) to en:Yaqui language (diff - undo - hist - TOP - Still there).
    Added links:
    - www.scriptureearth.org/00e-Escrituras_Indice.php?sortby=lang&name=yaq (C, X)
  • 66 edits in database, 65 edits shown, one edit hidden, see LinkReport.

Log entry for the Spam blacklist:

\bscriptureearth\.org\b                # ADMINNAME # {{sbl-diff|#}}; see [[User:COIBot/XWiki/scriptureearth.org]]

Request Status - Closed

See COIBot report for more details. --COIBot 23:09, 23 October 2009 (UTC)

Added Added  — Mike.lifeguard | @en.wb 02:31, 29 October 2009 (UTC)
Reverted Reverted Was still in use on 1 place Huib talk 18:26, 30 October 2009 (UTC)