Create an extension that deletes Users permanently
Open, LowestPublic


Hi please create an extension that deletes users permanently. Reason because there is no point in keeping accounts that users doint want and instead allow other people who want to use the username to allow them to use it. Deleting a user preserves the account but deletes the user page and talk page. Even though it is not recommended a few users would like this and this would be a safer option then going into the sql table and doing it your self. Nuke is only for pages and rename user and user merge are for users that have a previous account and want to rename.

See also: T34815: Add user preference to deactivate/delete user account (allow accounts to be deactivated)

Event Timeline

Paladox raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Paladox updated the task description. (Show Details)
Paladox subscribed.
Aklapper triaged this task as Lowest priority.Sep 8 2015, 11:12 PM
Aklapper set Security to None.

Simply we can just do so:

  • Remove the user row from user table. Now MediaWiki will treat the account as unregistered
  • Change the actor_name to something like "Deleted user #123123" so histories and logs now shows the anonymized name, and (optionally?) actor_user to null
  • Some table (e.g. user_groups, user_properties) now contains rows that make no sense, and can simply be removed
  • Now the user is deleted for good

For non-Wikimedia wiki, this provides a simple way to remove e.g. (1) spam/vandalism only account and (2) account closed on GDPR request.

Does some extensions assumes the existence of a user_id? Check and fix them