ContentTranslation deletes <math> formulas from article
Open, MediumPublic

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Amire80 triaged this task as Medium priority.Jun 19 2016, 10:38 AM
Amire80 added a project: Essential-Work.
Amire80 moved this task from Needs Triage to Bugs on the ContentTranslation board.
He7d3r renamed this task from ContentTranslation deletes formulas from article to ContentTranslation deletes <math> formulas from article.Sep 6 2016, 12:57 PM
He7d3r updated the task description. (Show Details)
He7d3r added subscribers: Amire80, eranroz.


I could reproduce it now when translating to Polish. The formulas were seen while translating, but upon publishing they became just <math/>. It was also reported for translating the same article into French ( ).

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This comment was removed by He7d3r.

The new version of Content Translation uses the same editing surface as Visual Editor, so it is expected to render better with complex content. Can anyone reproduce some of these issues with the new version of the tool?

I re-checked the first reported case - the example of the formula that needed to be inserted manually, e.g. \vec{f} e \vec{g} (

With new version of the Content Translation tool it's possible to insert such formulas via VE insert Math. The formula is displayed correctly and published correctly. There are however some shortcomings, for example, when math formulas are not displayed in the source article panel - reported here T203728: CX2: Math formulas with wikitext indentation not displayed in source column. But at least there is now a workaround for inserting formulas before publishing.

I'll test other reported cases to see if math formulas have other limitations in new translation tool.

Here are test results from yesterday for all links listed in the bug. (Compares results of translation using Google, Yandex, and just straight "Copy Original Content")

Here are test results from yesterday for all links listed in the bug. (Compares results of translation using Google, Yandex, and just straight "Copy Original Content")

Thanks for compiling these examples, @Barbvd. From an initial look, it seems that copying math elements bypassing MT (even if MT is applied to the rest of the paragraph) would lead to better results in many cases.

Hey folks, the leftovers from this bug just hit some wikis really hard (see T288846 and duplicates). Would it be possible to get it some love, at least to the point where no math tags are inserted?