Collate wikimedia pages into a single html wikimedia page that can then be rendered into a single pdf
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Create a modular function to collate wikimedia pages together

See parent tasks for rationale etc.
User story 1: as a user I can still use book creator to create pdfs of a series of wikimedia pages so that I can print them or download them for later use

User story 2: as a reading team manager, I would like a service that collates articles into a single page that can be used by any extension or platform (desktop, mobile web, apps, 3rd parties)

Currently: collections extension provides OCG with a list of pages and OCG:

  • receives list
  • collates it
  • adds a 'table' of contents to the front
  • adds attribution to the bottom
  • converts to LaTeX and to pdf
  • returns to the collections extension for download/save, etc.

Moving forward

New service:

  • receives list
  • collates it
  • optional: adds a 'table' of contents to the front
  • optional (need to check with legal): adds attribution to the bottom
  • hands to electron


  • converts to LaTeX and to pdf
    • returns to the collections extension for download/save, etc.

Event Timeline

Change 361453 had a related patch set uploaded (by Gergő Tisza; owner: Gergő Tisza):
[mediawiki/extensions/Collection@master] [WIP] Concatenate pages and send to Electron

Tgr removed Tgr as the assignee of this task.Jul 10 2017, 11:13 AM
Tgr subscribed.

See patch above. Needs a lot of love but the collation logic is solid, I think.