[mobile] Special:Notifications the counter does not display the count
Closed, ResolvedPublic


  1. Login to a mobile (a emulator is ok too) as a user who has unread notifications.
  2. The Home page has the bell notification icon displaying a number of unread notifications.
  3. Click on the icon - the Notification overlay will be displayed. Click on 'All notifications' to go to Special:Notifications page.
  4. Special:Notifications page displays the bell icon without a number.

The same issue happens you type Special:Notifications in the search bar and go to the page.

IMG_1864.PNG (1×640 px, 84 KB)

  1. Click on the bell icon - the counter will be displayed.

IMG_1865.PNG (1×640 px, 85 KB)

Event Timeline

Aklapper renamed this task from [mobile] Special:Notificaitons the counter does not display the count to [mobile] Special:Notifications the counter does not display the count .Nov 17 2016, 11:40 PM
Aklapper added a project: Mobile.

Change 323358 had a related patch set uploaded (by Catrope):
Don't show the notifications bell button/badge on Special:Notifications


Catrope subscribed.

There was code that tried to make the button with the bell in the top right not be displayed on Special:Notifications on mobile, but it didn't fully work. Instead of preventing the button from appearing, it sabotaged it so that the number wouldn't appear.

I've fixed this code so that the bell button now doesn't appear on the special page at all, which was apparently the intent to begin with. If anyone objects, we can make it appear (and be fully functional) instead, but I think this makes more sense. It also avoids sync problems between the notifications list you see when you click the bell, and the one on the special page itself.

Change 323358 merged by jenkins-bot:
Don't show the notifications bell button/badge on Special:Notifications


Checked in betalabs - the bell icon is removed

IMG_1875.PNG (1×640 px, 87 KB)

What is the status for that task? Can I announce it?

What is the status for that task? Can I announce it?

Ping @Catrope

Per Elena's comment on Nov 28, this seems fixed? Not sure why @jmatazzoni moved this from Product Review to the Triage board instead of closing it, that's a strange move.