[EPIC] Fix problems with the PHP concatenation special page service
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Note also https://logstash.wikimedia.org/goto/23e78ffb11f8bd48f98a38b38e2e75b9 (which might or might not be concatenation related; due to various shortcomings of our logging infrastructure there is no telling where it comes from).

(@demon ^)

ovasileva triaged this task as Medium priority.Oct 13 2017, 12:11 PM
ovasileva added a project: Proton.

I guess product owner backlog column makes sense. We need to know when we are switching focus to this and should investigate all the subtasks.

Note also https://logstash.wikimedia.org/goto/23e78ffb11f8bd48f98a38b38e2e75b9 (which might or might not be concatenation related; due to various shortcomings of our logging infrastructure there is no telling where it comes from).

(@demon ^)



Just tried to point at this as a possible source of the Remex logspam (although as it turns out it wasn't). Looks like those logstash short URLs don't live for long.

ovasileva subscribed.

Closing as per T184772#4116906. Pediapress will be taking on rendering of PDF books.