[Bridgebot] please bridge #wikipedia-it-sysop with the telegram channel for itwiki sysops
Closed, ResolvedPublic

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Sep 3 2020, 1:09 PM
Referenced Files
"Like" token, awarded by Delfort."Like" token, awarded by Kal-El."Like" token, awarded by GC85."Like" token, awarded by Valepert."Love" token, awarded by Civvi."Like" token, awarded by Mannivu."Like" token, awarded by L736E."Love" token, awarded by Sannita."Like" token, awarded by Superpes15.


We would like to bidirectionally bridge these two private channels:

  • On IRC, #wikipedia-it-sysop
  • On telegram, the corresponding channel for itwiki sysops (invite-only, no link available)

If the request is actionable, please reach out to Daimona on IRC to have the bot added to the channel on IRC, and invited to the telegram group.


Event Timeline

The first thing we will need is some show of support for adding the bot to the channels, or at least an assurance from you @Daimona that you have asked and there is consensus for this action.

The irc user to invite to the channel is "wm-bridgebot":

[15:36] -NickServ- Information on wm-bridgebot (account wm-bridgebot):
[15:36] -NickServ- Registered : Jun 25 04:41:25 2019 (1y 10w 1d ago)
[15:36] -NickServ- Last addr  : ~wm-bb@wikimedia/bot/wm-bridgebot
[15:36] -NickServ- Last seen  : Jul 24 22:01:43 2020 (5w 5d 17h ago)
[15:36] -NickServ- User seen  : now
[15:36] -NickServ- Flags      : HideMail
[15:36] -NickServ- wm-bridgebot has enabled nick protection
[15:36] -NickServ- *** End of Info ***

The bot has several nicks, so it would be best to setup any invites based on the account rather than the nick. That might look something like:

/cs access #wikipedia-it-sysop add wm-bridgebot
/mode #wikipedia-it-sysop +I $a:wm-bridgebot

The Telegram user for the bot is @wmtelegram_bot. After the bot has been invited to the channel we will need to sync up so that I can be watching the debug logs of the bot process while someone pings the bot in the Telegram channel. That will let me find the Telegram channel's numeric id that I will need to put into the configuration.

Once we have the bot in the channel on both sides and the Telegram id I can write the config to tell the bot to relay messages between the channels.

The first thing we will need is some show of support for adding the bot to the channels, or at least an assurance from you @Daimona that you have asked and there is consensus for this action.

Yeah, I forgot to mention that. Several people have expressed in favour of this proposal, but I'm going to ask them to award some tokens to this task as a proof.

The irc user to invite to the channel is "wm-bridgebot":

Thanks, I'm going to have it invited to the channel.

The Telegram user for the bot is @wmtelegram_bot. After the bot has been invited to the channel we will need to sync up so that I can be watching the debug logs of the bot process while someone pings the bot in the Telegram channel. That will let me find the Telegram channel's numeric id that I will need to put into the configuration.

I'll ask someone to invite the bot on telegram and follow the instructions.

@bd808 Yes, there is wide consensus among the admins to activate the bridge. Thanks

The bot has joined on telegram and it was also invited to the IRC channel with the commands provided above. All clear to move on, I believe.

Looking in the bot's debug logs, the Telegram channel id is -1001396249201. I can tell because that is the only Telegram channel the bot is in where the messages are written in Italian. :)

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-cloud) [2020-09-03T17:10:14Z] <wm-bot> <bd808> Add #wikipedia-it-sysop irc<->telegram bridge. (T261954)

bd808 claimed this task.
bd808 moved this task from To Do to Done on the Tool-bridgebot board.

The bot's logs show it passing messages between the Telegram chat and the irc channel. If you decide you want the messages to look a little different, we can override the prefix attached to a relayed message using configuration.