Show logs with type 'investigate' in Special:CheckUserLog when filtering by a User target
Closed, ResolvedPublic


When Special:CheckUserLog is filtered to a target which is a registered user, it filters the type of logs to 'userips' and 'useredits':

It should also include 'investigate' logs.

Event Timeline

Change 638138 had a related patch set uploaded (by Tchanders; owner: Tchanders):
[mediawiki/extensions/CheckUser@master] Show logs with type 'investigate' in Special:CheckUserLog/<User>

Change 638138 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/extensions/CheckUser@master] Show logs with type 'investigate' in Special:CheckUserLog/<User>

dom_walden subscribed.

@Tchanders Thanks for finding this.

On Special:CheckUserLog, when the target filter is a username (e.g. Special:CheckUserLog/Eve), we filter for logs of type 'userips', 'useredits' and 'investigate'.

I checked this by studying the SQL query that is made and the results returned on the Special:CheckUserLog page.

For all the other types of filter on the Special:CheckUserLog form (that I could find), including:

  • target is an IP or range
  • filter by "initiator"
  • year and month filter

the SQL query does not filter by type of log. The results include all log types I am aware of (investigate, ipusers, ipusers, userips, useredits, ipedits-xff and ipusers-xff, as appropriate).

Again, checked by looking at the SQL query and the results returned.

Test environment: local vagrant MediaWiki 1.36.0-alpha (6e6fb0e) CheckUser 2.5 (5e69b2b).