Recruit ideas for projects and mentors for Google Summer of Code 2021 and Outreachy Round 22
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Outreach strategy:

  • Early heads-up: Send an email to Wikitech-l/Wikimedia-l (December 17th, 2020)
  • Reminders: Mailing lists (Wikitech-I, Wikimedia-I, Foundation-Optional), WMF team managers, WMDE team managers (January 17, 2020)
  • Last call for projects on mailing lists, Wikimedia Discord (#technical), enwiki Village pump (technical) (February 11, 2020)
  • Regularly check with task subscribers and potential mentors on Phabricator

Event Timeline

We're considering a GSOC project for the Library-Card-Platform but I'm not sure on the specifics yet :)

I'd be interested in running a project related to Wikidata infoboxes / other Wikidata integration, but would probably need some help identifying the right level to address the project, as there's a lot of scope.

E.g., for - potential projects would include expanding documentation, installing/debugging/using it on other language Wikis (if we can identify ones that want it installing, would also depend on the languages that the student knows), or even rewriting the whole thing in Lua (it needs to happen at some point!). Or there are potential tasks on specific infoboxes on e.g., enwp (like or for other infoboxes), or related tools (integrating structured data on commons info into commons file pages; Wikidata-based citations work; etc.).

I've supervised students before (I'm a postdoc researcher), but not specifically through Outreachy/GSoC.

I would like to participate again as a mentor, assuming org was happy with our last participation, with work on some small web development on backups or data inventory (e.g. T205628), or a small command line tool related to backups (e.g. T244884). Basically small, but quality of life improvements for the Data-Persistence team. Last year were were very happy with improvements achieved on Details to be discussed with people on my team so it is appropriate for a short development time.

#indic-mediawiki-developers would like to mentor 2 project in GSoC 2021. We will share our project details till March's 1st week.

We have a project in mind for GSoC 2021 - T263221

@Samwalton9 @Mike_Peel @Jayprakash12345 @jcrespo @Vidhi-Mody @Soham Thanks for your interest in mentoring a project via GSoC/ Outreachy! I encourage you to go through this email at; follow the instructions to propose a project on Phabricator (remember to tag the Phabricator task with an appropriate tag). Org admins can then review the tickets, leave feedback, and help scope the project and publish it on the wiki. This step is important because we would need to show a list of interesting/suitable projects to get accepted when we apply to these programs.

@Mike_Peel Your project would fit best for Outreachy as it focuses on non-coding areas as well. In the email on the Wikitech list, you will find relevant resources to help you get started. If there is anything that I can help with, let me know!

If you all can do so in a week to 10 days, it will be really helpful!

@srishakatux Thanks for the extra info! I've started T273109 and T273110 - I focused on the most urgent needs, which are also the biggest tasks. I can propose simpler projects if these are too big for the programs - particularly if you want some documentation-focused/non-coding projects.

I can mentor anything related to Python, JavaScript, Rust, bots, tools, user scripts, or the MW API.

As for projects, I'm not experienced with scoping out a summer's worth of work, but some ideas...

@APerson The ideas you have shared above sounds good to me and suitable for GSoC. Maybe take a look at "Some tips for proposing project" and see if they help scope the project: Also, we have the mentors resource to help you learn about the roles and responsibilities of a GSoC mentor.

I would like to participate as a mentor for outreachy (if I am not too late). Together with @Isaac we have a project in mind about building a tool to analyze and visualize how readers navigate on Wikipedia using the publicly available clickstream data-dump, and hosting it with a simple interface on toolforge. The tool will allow people without extensive technical background to easily explore and better understand data about navigation patterns on wikipedia. We expect this to be valuable given the huge interest in tools about readership on Wikipedia such the pageviews-tool.

@MGerlach @Isaac Perfect timing, and the overall project idea sounds great to me! As a next step, I would encourage you to follow Steps 2 and 3 documented here: to submit your project proposal, and we can take it forward from there. If you have any follow-up questions, we can discuss them on the related project task on Phabricator.

@Isaac and I are working on a proposal focused on improving technical documentation to create a series of notebook-based tutorials on PAWS that help users access and work with data on Wikimedia projects.

@srodlund Sweet! Same comment as in T270429#6852132 relevant for you too.