Consult volunteers about potential signature line break requirement
Closed, ResolvedPublic


This task is about learning from volunteers whether there are cases where the ===Proposed requirement below could be problematic.

We need to do our best to understand what these potentially problematic cases are so we can evaluate if and how the ===Propose requirement should be implemented.

Post contents

Proposed requirement

Disallow line breaks in signature

The signature must consist of a single line of wikitext. Line breaks can result in incorrect formatting when the signature is used in a nested comment, and can cause issues with tools used on discussion pages.

Adding line breaks has already been impossible, unless you used a substituted template for your signature or edited your preferences programatically. This just closes that loophole.


  • The ===Post contents are published in place(s) where people who have a stake in this work are likely to see it.

Event Timeline

Assigning this over to @matmarex for now to fill in the ===Proposed requirements section. Once finished, please assign over to @Whatamidoing-WMF.

Assigning this over to @matmarex for now to fill in the ===Proposed requirements section. Once finished, please assign over to @Whatamidoing-WMF.

I assume this is supposed to be the text for a new section in, or some similar new page? If so:

Disallow line breaks in signature

The signature must consist of a single line of wikitext. Line breaks can result in incorrect formatting when the signature is used in a nested comment, and can cause issues with tools used on discussion pages.

Adding line breaks has already been impossible, unless you used a substituted template for your signature or edited your preferences programatically. This just closes that loophole.

A point of clarification: I am assuming that like the Linter requirement to avoid line breaks inside span tags or italic/bold/small markup, this requirement will disallow CR or LF characters, but wikitext tags like br or p will be allowed.

Is that correct?

Yes, it's about the literal line break characters only. The tags are allowed (while it's probably a bad idea to have them in your signature, they don't break the list item markup).

Yes, I agree that it makes the most sense to have this on It should, however, be a separate section or otherwise marked as an extension to the previous discussion (e.g., "Part 2" or "2021 addition"). We need to be clear about what's already been decided vs this new thing.

Nobody seems to have found examples of this being desirable, and nobody seems inclined to defend it. I think we can close this task and proceed with implementing it whenever it seems convenient.