Allow uploading of .swf (flash) files to commons
Closed, DeclinedPublic


Author: M8R-udfkkf

I'd like to request that files with the .swf extension be allowed to be uploaded to the Commons. ShockWave Flash (or "small web format") files contain data that is lost when converted to .ogg or when resources are extracted. For example, a flash animation would contain sprites which could be extracted, whereas these sprites would be virtually unextractable if uploaded in .ogg.

Version: unspecified
Severity: enhancement



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Lowest.Nov 21 2014, 11:18 PM
bzimport set Reference to bz26269.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

The Wikimedia board of trustees had made it clear that there will be no Flash on Wikimedia sites. In addition to unfreeness, this file format is inherently unsafe.

The Wikimedia board of trustees had made it clear that there will be no Flash on Wikimedia sites. In addition to unfreeness, this file format is inherently unsafe.

Agreed but do you have a citation for this?

Don't remember where it was. In any case, even with their approval, this request would be denied today as Flash will be completely out of support in two years, as even its makers admit it's obsolete and browser developers have timelines of its removal. This format is in the same cohort as PCX and TGA these days: glorious past, no future.

Sure but it can serve as an archive of older files. No one is making new Flash and no one should have made Flash back in the day but preserving some of this content can be valuable.

Agreed that it can be archivally useful. Now it seems you can use Commons Archive for this: