QA: Verify talk_page_edit events are landing in DB as expected
Closed, DuplicatePublic


This task represents the work with verifying the events being emitted by the new instrumentation implemented in T284848 are landing in the database(s) as expected.

Events to verify

This section will be populated once work on T284848 is complete.


  • Verify the Events to verify are landed in the database(s) are expected
  • Tickets are filed for any bugs/unexpected behavior
  • Relevant schema documentation is updated (e.g. VisualEditor/FeatureUse_data_dictionary)

Event Timeline

MNeisler triaged this task as Medium priority.Jul 22 2021, 3:10 PM
MNeisler moved this task from Triage to Current Quarter on the Product-Analytics board.
MNeisler renamed this task from QA: Verify events are landing in DB as expected to QA: Verify talk_page_edit events are landing in DB as expected .Oct 25 2021, 4:35 PM

Next steps

  • @ppelberg to close this task as a duplicate of T286076 and make sure the ===Done items in this ticket are documented in T286076