Implement persistent entry point(s) for Special:TopicSubscriptions
Closed, ResolvedPublic


T273342 introduced a new page that enables people to view all of the topics they are currently subscribed to. This ticket is about introducing the persistent entry point(s) necessary for people to discover the, provisionally named, Special:TopicSubscriptions page.

Existing entry points

Entry pointScreenshotImplementation
Screen Shot 2021-11-03 at 5.18.14 PM.png (547×830 px, 74 KB)
image.png (2×3 px, 365 KB)

New entry point ideas

image.png (2×3 px, 365 KB)
Echo dropdown
image.png (2×3 px, 546 KB)
Not done
image.png (629×3 px, 78 KB)
Not done
"You have subscribed!" toast
Screen Shot 2021-11-03 at 9.56.14 AM.png (192×496 px, 21 KB)
Not done
Special:Watchlist and/or Special:EditWatchlistSee comment from @Mandarax on here. Not done

Other ideas

  • Exposing this page within the automatic topic subscription first-run experience (T262103)

Event Timeline

As a very minimum, the page should be listed on Special:SpecialPages, already in the first iteration.

In a further iteration, another possibility is Special:Watchlist and/or Special:EditWatchlist (although these are probably for more experienced users, as opposed to the Echo entry points).

As a very minimum, the page should be listed on Special:SpecialPages, already in the first iteration.

Great spot. I've added this as a requirement to T273342. See: T273342#7317333.

In a further iteration, another possibility is Special:Watchlist and/or Special:EditWatchlist (although these are probably for more experienced users, as opposed to the Echo entry points).

I've added these to the task description for us all to revisit once we prioritize work on this task. If/when more ideas comes to mind, please boldly edit the task description and add them.

As a very minimum, the page should be listed on Special:SpecialPages, already in the first iteration.

It will be (this happens automatically, unless the special page is marked as "unlisted").

Change 715587 had a related patch set uploaded (by Bartosz Dziewoński; author: Bartosz Dziewoński):

[mediawiki/extensions/DiscussionTools@master] Add links to Special:TopicSubscriptions in notifications and preferences

It will be (this happens automatically, unless the special page is marked as "unlisted").

I also remembered this way, but since the requirements said that there shall be no link to the special page, I wanted to make sure that you don’t interpret it too literally and actively remove the link.

Is it possible to unpack this sentence a bit more:

This ticket is about introducing the persistent entry point(s) necessary for people to discover the, provisionally named, Special:TopicSubscriptions page.

Who are the people that we want to discover the entry point? Initially will it be senior contributors? @ppelberg

Draft User Story:

As a Senior Contributor,
I need to access all of my topic subscriptions at once
so that I can bulk unsubscribe from things.

^^ if this is right, then we should identify what part of the workflow senior contributor's are at when they have this need.

This ticket is about introducing the persistent entry point(s) necessary for people to discover the, provisionally named, Special:TopicSubscriptions page.

Who are the people that we want to discover the entry point? Initially will it be senior contributors? @ppelberg

Good question; I think I will be better equipped to answer the question above and draft the user story once the conversations I'm having on-wiki wrap up. [i][ii]

i. conversation at
ii. conversation at

During today's (3-November) team meeting, we decided that we will start by exposing a link to Special:TopicSubscriptions within Special:Preferences. This work will happen in T294994.

Over time, we anticipate exposing Special:TopicSubscriptions in more prominent places.

In the meantime, this task will be the place where we gather ideas for what those "prominent places" could end up being.

We've implemented one on Special:Preferences, and it seems to me that there isn't appetite to add more of them, so I suggest closing the task. More specific feature requests can always be filed.