have upload log record "user" requesting upload, and the "completed {{book}}" template to be used
Open, Needs TriagePublicFeature


I have seen a couple of failures of the upload feature

[2021-09-30T06:45:17.249616+00:00] LOG.INFO: Uploading to /var/www/tool/jobqueue/dli.ministry.15654/dli.ministry.15654.djvu to Commons Journal of the Royal Geographic Society of London, volume 13.djvu [] []
[2021-09-30T06:45:17.250492+00:00] LOG.DEBUG: Getting fresh token {"type":"csrf"} []
[2021-09-30T06:46:25.792141+00:00] LOG.CRITICAL: Server error: `POST https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/api.php` resulted in a `504 Gateway Timeout` response: upstream request timeout  [] []

which I am guessing may possibly be due to the upload methodology (is it using chumked?)


Anyway, mine was there at IA-Upload as a completed djvu. and I was able to download the file, and upload the file (failed first time through normal upload,successful second time when I used chunked upload). There was no ready access to the {{book}} template that I had created which would have been nice to have copy and pasted, fortunately I had a copy of mine, so was able to use that, however, for the other work there was nothing, so with no knowledge of the uploader, nor the book template, I was less inclined to upload it.

If we had those components readily available, then we can quickly circumvent those issue when the creation works, though the upload fails on slightly larger works.

Thanks for the consideration of the feature request