Update filter screens for log-in issues types
Closed, ResolvedPublicBUG REPORT


These are some differences I've noticed from the Figma mocks. Tagging @cmadeo - can you confirm that these are bugs and should be fixed?

  • The filter screen types section differs from the mocks:
  • Mocks have Login attempts and Login success with a subtitle. Build combines it into a single type Login issues with no subtitle.

Differences from Figma mocks that were confirmed to be okay
(no changes are needed around these at this point)

  • Received mention from mocks is split up into Edit summary mention and Talk page mention. Should we combine them?
  • Mocks have Talk page subscriptions type that is missing.
  • Additional Translation milestone and Welcome types that are not in the mocks.

Event Timeline

On Explore, we might want to move the Wikipedia logo back to the left hand side when the user is logged out. Currently it stays in the middle.

Correct it'd be great to move the logo back to the Left for LTR languages (Right for RTL languages) when not logged in.

Received mention from mocks is split up into Edit summary mention and Talk page mention. Should we combine them?

It'd be great to keep this separate, one will lead to the history view and one would lead to the talk page unless I'm mistaken? (an edit summary is not shown on the talk page, but on the history page.

Mocks have Login attempts and Login success with a subtitle. Build combines it into a single type Login issues with no subtitle.

Correct, it would be helpful to have these be separate with their own subtitles.

Mocks have Talk page subscriptions type that is missing.

This is forth coming from the editing team

Additional Translation milestone and Welcome types that are not in the mocks.

Please use the styling from the mocks with the text from the API / this spreadsheet (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1L18l4kfv4rcH6cBln_1MDIO-49Wh2B5jekHN80WEhCE/edit#gid=0) It's hard for me to trigger all of the possible milestones, so I didn't mock up individual versions, but they should all follow the format outlined in the mock. Let me know if this is confusing though!


This is forth coming from the editing team

Are talk page subscription notifications the same as flow notifications? Here's some documentation, see "Notification types from other extension" section, types prefixed with "flow-". Currently we're handling these generically, so we're unable to filter on them. Do you want us to add add these as recognized types? I think to be consistent we would need to know what icon to display, where the primary link goes, what to show under "More", etc. Basically what we did for the other types.

Additional Translation milestone and Welcome types that are not in the mocks.

Sorry for the confusion - I mainly just wanted to know if you want us to keep these two list items (Welcome and Translation milestone) in the filter types section, since they aren't in the mocks. Or we could remove them to match the mocks. If you want to keep them, are they worded correctly?

IMG_0601.PNG (1×750 px, 202 KB)

Are talk page subscription notifications the same as flow notifications?

Just to follow up, it seems like they are - I just wanted to confirm. I'm subscribed to a topic at https://test.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Flow and recently received a couple of notifications with the type "flow-topic-renamed" and "flow-post-reply". They currently look like this in Notifications Center because they are handled generically (the first two notifications):

IMG_0602.PNG (1×750 px, 269 KB)


This is forth coming from the editing team

Are talk page subscription notifications the same as flow notifications? Here's some documentation, see "Notification types from other extension" section, types prefixed with "flow-". Currently we're handling these generically, so we're unable to filter on them. Do you want us to add add these as recognized types? I think to be consistent we would need to know what icon to display, where the primary link goes, what to show under "More", etc. Basically what we did for the other types.

These are a new subscription outside of Flow, that is still in development: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T233447
We might need to wait until we have more info from the editing team before I can create proper mocks, would it be helpful to add a task for this? Alternatively will we be able to apply our 'generic' notification 'template' to this when it ships?

Additional Translation milestone and Welcome types that are not in the mocks.

Sorry for the confusion - I mainly just wanted to know if you want us to keep these two list items (Welcome and Translation milestone) in the filter types section, since they aren't in the mocks. Or we could remove them to match the mocks. If you want to keep them, are they worded correctly?

IMG_0601.PNG (1×750 px, 202 KB)

Ah sorry! I'd like to keep them if possible, but will we be able to tell welcome and editing and translation milestones from one another? I had thought that they were different notification types, but happy to change if I made a mistake!

Are talk page subscription notifications the same as flow notifications?

Just to follow up, it seems like they are - I just wanted to confirm. I'm subscribed to a topic at https://test.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Flow and recently received a couple of notifications with the type "flow-topic-renamed" and "flow-post-reply". They currently look like this in Notifications Center because they are handled generically (the first two notifications):

IMG_0602.PNG (1×750 px, 269 KB)

Hmm I think this is different than what I was designing for (see comment above). I had thought we weren't supporting Flow notifications (@JMinor ?) so these aren't ideally laid out but might be okay because they're out of scope for us.

Special support for flow notifications is out of scope and there are very few places where it is active.

For the new topic subscriptions I was expecting we'd use our default handling for now, as they complete and roll out development (see Carolyn's link) and until then they would go in the "Other" type bucket.

Thanks @JMinor ! @Tsevener I'm going to move this into eng sync for now but if you need anything clarified, please feel free to move back to 'Needs design'! Thanks so much again for this very helpful ticket!

@cmadeo @JMinor yes, talk page subscriptions should still display and receive the default treatment currently. Maybe we can test this once this new type is done with development? I'm not sure how to trigger one at this point to test. Since we're going with the default handling for v1, we'll need to take Talk Page Subscriptions out as a filter option in the mocks. I'll update the description.

Tsevener updated the task description. (Show Details)
LGoto renamed this task from Notifications - differences from mocks to Update filter screens for log-in issues types.Mar 22 2022, 7:45 PM
cmadeo added a subscriber: ABorbaWMF.

@ABorbaWMF please test the following:

  • Mocks have Login attempts and Login success with a subtitle. Build combines it into a single type Login issues with no subtitle.
JMinor claimed this task.