Add license info and anonymous edit warning to the no-JS version of Special:NewLexemeAlpha
Closed, ResolvedPublic5 Estimated Story Points


As a user creating lexemes without JavaScript enabled, I want to have the same information available to me as users of the JS version.

The no-JS version of Special:NewLexemeAlpha currently doesn’t show license information (shown right above the submit button in the JS version) nor an anonymous edit warning (added beneath the search link in T313466).



image.png (963×1 px, 255 KB)

GIVEN JavaScript is disabled
WHEN loading Special:NewLexemeAlpha
THEN license information is shown above the "Create Lexeme" button

GIVEN JavaScript is disabled
AND the user is not logged in
WHEN loading Special:NewLexemeAlpha
THEN a message about the IP address being tracked, as well as login/signup links, are shown after the intro paragraph

Acceptance criteria:

  • license information is shown
  • an anonymous edit warning is shown for anonymous users

Event Timeline

karapayneWMDE set the point value for this task to 5.Aug 9 2022, 8:57 AM
karapayneWMDE moved this task from Product Backlog to Sprint-∞ on the Wikidata Dev Team board.

Task Breakdown Notes

  • The copyright text should be displayed above the submit button, the same as the JS version of this message.
  • Code duplication is allowed, as w are already utilizing it to display the current NoJS page
  • This change is to be done in SpecialNewLexemeAlpha.php, and would probably involve utilizing a similar class as the one used in SpecialNewLexeme.phpSpecialPageCopyrightView.php

Potential Plan of Action

  1. Implement the copyright message similarly to the SpecialNewLexeme page (by adding an element directly in PHP, see: SpecialNewLexeme.php#90), but ensure that it is displayed before submit and not before the form.
  2. Implement logged out warning similarly to the SpecialNewLexeme page (by displaying it before the form, see SpecialNewLexeme.php#312).

Change 824488 had a related patch set uploaded (by Guergana Tzatchkova; author: Guergana Tzatchkova):

[mediawiki/extensions/WikibaseLexeme@master] Add anonymous edit warning messag for nojs version

As per the OOIU IconWidget demo page there is not yellow or gray color for the alert Icon besides black and blue (progressive). So I decided to leave the default icon color, black.

Change 825292 had a related patch set uploaded (by Guergana Tzatchkova; author: Guergana Tzatchkova):

[mediawiki/extensions/WikibaseLexeme@master] Add copyright message in no javascript mode

Change 824488 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/WikibaseLexeme@master] Add copyright message for nojs

Change 825292 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/WikibaseLexeme@master] Add anonymous edit warning in no javascript mode