Namespace "gadget" name in Sicilian
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Hello, on Sicilian language there's a namespace name that must be changed. Ns 2300 now it's written in italian ("Accessorio"). The name in Sicilian is "Accissoriu". Also the related namespace should be translated:

  1. Ns 2301: Discussioni accissoriu;
  2. Ns 2302: Difinizzioni accissoriu;
  3. Ns 2303: Discussioni difinizzioni accissoriu;

The Italian namespace name must be aliased to the new one, in order to avoid broken links.

PS a related resolved task is this one: T297844.

Event Timeline

Change 923587 had a related patch set uploaded (by Jon Harald Søby; author: Jon Harald Søby):

[mediawiki/extensions/Gadgets@master] Add Sicilian namespace translations

Change 923587 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/Gadgets@master] Add Sicilian namespace translations

It looks like the changes made in the patch are now available in one of the recent releases. As per @Amire80, for namespace changes, extra deployment steps are required likely a shell script that need to be executed in production. @Ladsgroup says will help with this.

jhsoby claimed this task.
jhsoby subscribed.

It looks like the changes made in the patch are now available in one of the recent releases. As per @Amire80, for namespace changes, extra deployment steps are required likely a shell script that need to be executed in production. @Ladsgroup says will help with this.

Ah, I forgot to close this task – sorry.

Normally that's the case, yes, but the "Gadget" and "Gadget definition" namespaces are some sort of mystery – they're not actually used anywhere, at least not in the Wikimedia wikis. So in this case, the namespace names changing name will have no practical effect for the moment (other than making the list of namespaces in Special:Search look nicer), and no script run should be necessary. Any new pages created will be fine. :-)