Provide python3-build-bookworm docker image
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MinT (and maybe other projects) requires newer Python version 3.11 (or later) to get the benefits of the latest Python from Debian Bookworm. Please provide python3-build-bookworm image at,

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hashar subscribed.

The base images are maintained by SRE serviceops team in and specifically under the directory images/python-build. I guess you should be able to propose a change by copying an existing image definition and adjusting the Dockerfile.template from Buster/Bullseye to Bookworm.

Change 980860 had a related patch set uploaded (by KartikMistry; author: KartikMistry):

[operations/docker-images/production-images@master] Provide python3-bookworm image

The base images are maintained by SRE serviceops team in and specifically under the directory images/python-build. I guess you should be able to propose a change by copying an existing image definition and adjusting the Dockerfile.template from Buster/Bullseye to Bookworm.

Thanks a lot! Submitting patch.

Summary of the discussion on the CR:

  • Since bookworm, installing pip packages system-wide triggers an error
  • It can be worked around with an additional --break-system-packages flag to pip, or installing the debian repos python3-wheel
  • I couldn't find the reasoning behind specifically using pip's wheel (@hashar if you remember why, I'm interested :D)

I propose we move this new image to use the debian packaged python3-wheel, maybe moving other images afterwards if we can.

Thanks @hashar for updating the patch and for some insights into the history of image building. @Clement_Goubert who will be able to deploy this patch?

Change 980860 merged by Clément Goubert:

[operations/docker-images/production-images@master] Provide python3-bookworm image

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2023-12-11T12:57:21Z] <claime> Rebuilding production-images for python3-build-bookworm - T352733

KartikMistry triaged this task as Medium priority.