Icelandic namespace translations
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There is some work unfinished when it comes to translating namespace names into Icelandic. There are also some old translations that should be improved. What I have done here is group the names by project and place the ones that are common to all under the section MediaWiki. Note that Wikinews and Wikiversity do not exist in Icelandic. The projects that we have are small and often inactive for long periods. The now columns represent the status quo and new the translation that I am putting forward. In cases where I am not putting forward a translation, the cell is empty. Running a bot to update what needs updating in each project once the work is finished will be a trivial task.


#SubjectTalk#Subject (now)Talk (now)Subject (new)Talk (new)
2UserUser talk3NotandiNotandaspjall
4ProjectProject talk5
6FileFile talk7MyndMyndaspjallSkráSkráarspjall
8MediaWikiMediaWiki talk9MeldingMeldingarspjallMediaWikiMediaWikispjall
10TemplateTemplate talk11SniðSniðaspjallSniðmátSniðmátsspjall
12HelpHelp talk13HjálpHjálparspjall
14CategoryCategory talk15FlokkurFlokkaspjallFlokksspjall
  • Special (-1): Sérstök means special as in special page. The current term, Kerfissíða, means System page. I do not know whence this term came but it is not a translation but rather an innovation. We should use the same term as the original.
  • File (6): The current translation means Image or Picture. I think that this namespace may have been named Image back in the day, it would certainly explain the choice made. Skrá means File.
  • MediaWiki (8): Here is another innovation that I believe should be abandoned. Melding means Message or Notification.
  • Template (10): The terminology seems to have been mixed up a bit here. Snið is typically translated as format and sniðmát as template.
  • Category (14): The talk namespace for Category should be Flokksspjall as Flokkaspjall is Categories' talk.


#SubjectTalk#Subject (now)Talk (now)Subject (new)Talk (new)
710TimedTextTimedText talk711Not localised yet.Not localised yet.TímasetturTextiTímasetturTextispjall
828ModuleModule talk829Not localised yet.Not localised yet.EiningEiningarspjall


#SubjectTalk#Subject (now)Talk (now)Subject (new)Talk (new)
100PortalPortal talk101GáttGáttaspjallGáttarspjall
710TimedTextTimedText talk711Not localised yet.Not localised yet.TímasetturTextiTímasetturTextispjall
828ModuleModule talk829Not localised yet.Not localised yet.EiningEiningarspjall
  • Portal (100): The talk namespace for Portal should be Gáttarspjall as Gáttaspjall is Portals' talk.


#SubjectTalk#Subject (now)Talk (now)Subject (new)Talk (new)
100PortalPortal talk101GáttGáttaspjallGáttarspjall
710TimedTextTimedText talk711Not localised yet.Not localised yet.TímasetturTextiTímasetturTextispjall
828ModuleModule talk829Not localised yet.Not localised yet.EiningEiningarspjall
  • Portal (100): The talk namespace for Portal should be Gáttarspjall as Gáttaspjall is Portals' talk.


#SubjectTalk#Subject (now)Talk (now)Subject (new)Talk (new)
100PortalPortal talk101GáttGáttaspjallGáttarspjall
106IndexIndex talk107FrumritFrumritsspjallAtriðaskráAtriðaskráarspjall
710TimedTextTimedText talk711Not localised yet.Not localised yet.TímasetturTextiTímasetturTextispjall
828ModuleModule talk829Not localised yet.Not localised yet.EiningEiningarspjall
  • Portal (100): The talk namespace for Portal should be Gáttarspjall as Gáttaspjall is Portals' talk.
  • Index (106): This is perhaps the strangest translation of them all. Frumrit simply means Original as in original copy. Although index can be translated a few different ways depending on the meaning, I believe that atriðaskrá best captures the intended meaning.


#SubjectTalk#Subject (now)Talk (now)Subject (new)Talk (new)
4WiktionaryWiktionary talk5WikiorðabókWikiorðabókarspjallWikiorðabókspjall
710TimedTextTimedText talk711Not localised yet.Not localised yet.TímasetturTextiTímasetturTextispjall
828ModuleModule talk829Not localised yet.Not localised yet.EiningEiningarspjall
  • Wiktionary (4): The talk namespace for the project was not translated in line with how it was done for other Icelandic projects. I will not attempt to explain the grammatical logic here but the project namespaces on the other projects are: Wikibækurspjall, Wikipediaspjall, Wikivitnunspjall, Wikiheimildspjall.

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jhsoby subscribed.

Hi @Stefan-Orvar-Sigmundsson, and thanks for this very thorough task!

Almost all (see comments below) of this is doable, but I'd like to see a community discussion on the Icelandic Wikipedia for the changes that affect it. Your reasoning makes sense, but it's still good to have the rest of the community on board. If you bring it up on the local village pump and there are no objections within a week, we can go through with the changes.

Special (-1): Sérstök means special as in special page. The current term, Kerfissíða, means System page. I do not know whence this term came but it is not a translation but rather an innovation. We should use the same term as the original.

I might be wrong, but I assume this translation was made by Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason, who was one of the early developers of MediaWiki. I like the term "System page" more than "Special" to be honest, because "Special" doesn't really tell much about what it is.


Is this how you would write it in Icelandic, with CamelCase? The TimedText namespace is used for subtitles, so if you were to translate it at all, I would suggest using the Icelandic translation of "subtitle" instead.

There is an awkward situation with one of the namespaces. Namespace 106 which in the English project is named Rhymes is named Viðauki (Appendix) in the Icelandic project. It seems to me that when the Appendix namespace was added to the Icelandic project, it got the wrong namespace number. Either that or the English namespace number was changed later. I propose that the projects be brough into harmony in this respect. The simplest way would probably be to execute an SQL statement updating the page namespace value from 106 to 100 and then updating LocalSettings.php to reflect the change.

Custom namespace numbers (usually the ones starting from 100) actually have no inherent meaning, and while they may coincidentally correspond across different projects, it is not a problem that they don't. Attempting to change the namespace number would probably lead to lots of unforeseen complications, so that's a no-go. It is up to each project to decide which extra namespaces they want, and the order the number is assigned is usually the order they are requested in.

The projects that we have are small and often inactive for long periods.

Not true with Wikipedia and Wiktionary, but the rest, yes. Speaking of which, there has been NO discussion of this in the Icelandic projects. Agree with the required conseus.

I think that this namespace may have been named Image back in the day

It was indeed named Image back in the day.


Should be "TímasettTextaspjall", or if spaces are allowed "Tímasett textaspjall".


No, it is not representing a new thing, a sprout or anything like that. It is an numerical list.
So, it should be "Atriðaskrá" (subject) and "Atriðaskráarspjall" (talk) for the Index namespace.


No, you are going from an genitive case to a nominative case. Most of the other words (all but the TimedText translation) are in the genetive case, and this is not an exception. The current translation is correct. See

Namespace 106 which in the English project is named Rhymes is named Viðauki (Appendix) in the Icelandic project.

This is a much larger problem than you can imagine and out of scope of this task.

The largest thing here would be having the current namespaces as aliases, especially in the Template and Module namespaces. This will create a massive mess otherwise, although it will only be for a while.

The largest thing here would be having the current namespaces as aliases, especially in the Template and Module namespaces. This will create a massive mess otherwise, although it will only be for a while.

Yes, we always do that when renaming namespaces.

I just did some Phabricator housekeeping and have no other involvement or opinion on this, or what level of consensus it needs.

I too sometimes wish things got done more and were subject to less arguing. But remember that Wikipedia is much bigger than it was back in Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason's days, so things inevitably happen slower.

Camel case is not how we write things normally, but this is just a technical approach since a literal translation here does not result in a compound noun but an adjective+noun combination.

Answered your whole comment at, since Phabricator is not really a talking platform, although I know you think it is.

Stefan-Orvar-Sigmundsson renamed this task from Icelandic namespace translations to Nothing to see here, move along.May 18 2024, 7:49 PM
Stefan-Orvar-Sigmundsson closed this task as Invalid.
Stefan-Orvar-Sigmundsson triaged this task as Low priority.
Stefan-Orvar-Sigmundsson updated the task description. (Show Details)
Aklapper renamed this task from Nothing to see here, move along to Icelandic namespace translations.May 19 2024, 12:27 AM
Aklapper updated the task description. (Show Details)
Aklapper subscribed.