Disable remaining commit-based Herald rules H49, H50, H51?
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The Herald rules H49, H50, H51 are currently the only active Herald rules in Wikimedia Phabricator which check/trigger on commits (according to this query for those who have permissions to access it...).

Given T108586: Herald rules causing delays to task edit saves - getting worse, I'd ideally love to disable them (and disallow such Herald rules in the future).

I understand that this would be a bit rude so I should offer an alternative but there's nothing good coming to my mind (e.g. https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Gerrit/Code_review#By_project is per project and pre-merge and doesn't support regexes). Meh. :-/

@He7d3r: Do you still rely on these notifications, or are they maybe... "less interesting" to you nowadays?

Event Timeline

Aklapper created this task.
Aklapper renamed this task from Consider disabling commit-based Herald rules to Disable remaining commit-based Herald rules H49, H50, H51?.Jun 12 2024, 12:06 PM

Nope, so I went ahead and just disabled the rules.

Aklapper assigned this task to He7d3r.

Ah, thanks!