Phabricator profile "LDAP User" link goes to Wikitech, but users no longer need to have a Wikitech account
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Phabricator profile "LDAP User" link goes to Wikitech, but users no longer need to have a Wikitech account since was introduced. It is very confusing to encounter one of such users, follow the link and see an error message that the account is not registered. For example:

Is there some better place where this link could be pointed to?


TitleReferenceAuthorSource BranchDest Branch
Do not link LDAP account on user profile to wikitechrepos/phabricator/extensions!38aklapperT366766ldapUserLinkwmf/stable
Customize query in GitLab

Event Timeline

Note this is not a new thing with idm - the Toolforge admin console has been creating developer accounts without an attached Wikitech account for years.

What to do? Remove the linking from the "LDAP User" entry on a Phab user profile and make that plain text instead?

What to do? Remove the linking from the "LDAP User" entry on a Phab user profile and make that plain text instead?

Indeed, I think that's the best way to address this.

Deployed on 2024-06-25; setting status to resolved.