Enable Legalpad
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Please enable the Legalpad application with these permissions:

  • Can Use Application: Public (No Login Required)
  • Can Configure Application: Administrators
  • Can Create Documents: Custom policy: WMF-Legal + Phabricator
  • Default View Policy: All Users
  • Default Edit Policy: All Users (for now, might change)

We will use Legalpad first for T655: Implement the Volunteer NDA process in Phabricator, which is a straightforward case that works out of the box. Then we will for Legalpad.

Previous description:

We could put Legalpad into good use in this production instance one the post-launch dust settles.

We could avoid maintaining https://legalpad.wikimedia.org in a separate instance, and there another projects that would require it too.

Event Timeline

Qgil raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Qgil updated the task description. (Show Details)
Qgil added a project: Phabricator.
Qgil changed Security from none to None.
Qgil subscribed.

Having faced the costs of migration from the now defunct wmflabs instance to production, this needs careful consideration.

Precisely. The other site is still empty, not launched. At this point, I'd rather prefer that WMF-Legal launches their project here instead of in a separate site, generating content that perhaps one day must be migrated.

Qgil raised the priority of this task from Low to Medium.Nov 26 2014, 8:41 AM

Currently Legalpad is uninstalled on this instance (phabricator.uninstalled-applications). That's easy to change.

I could enable it on phabricator.wikimedia.org but I feel like checking again if WMF-Legal is interested in that, seeing not much happening in the separate instance. (Situation might be due to communication misunderstandings on my side, though.)

So feedback from Legal / further parties is welcome here.

We need Legalpad also for T655: Implement the Volunteer NDA process in Phabricator (a task that I had committed to for November, but never mind).

WMF-Legal is not saying anything at the moment because I met with them in October and I promised them that we would install Legalpad in production after the Bugzilla migration. The trausted user tool is still a WMF Board mandate, and a top priority for them.

What Quim said :)

(Also testing if email reply-to works, despite the "no-reply@" from:

Qgil updated the task description. (Show Details)

I enabled it for now w/ the designated settings in the description (the legal group was wrong :)


I'm not sure if "can use: public" is actually the right thing? but you asked for and you got it.

Thank you! Resolving.

As far as I remember, when I tested in phab-01, Can Use defined the possibility to see "Legalpad" at all. Doing anything meaningful with a Legalpad document (create or edit with a signature) is controlled by their respective policies. BUT I will double check as soon as we have a first document up.