should support structured feedback, so that different problems can be sent to different pages
Open, LowPublic


Right now, all feedback goes to the same place. For many purposes, this is fine: it doesn't usually matter if "bugs", "suggestions" , "problems", and "compliments" end up on the same page.

But when the feedback link is accessible on a content page, then we need to differentiate "content" comments (which belong on that page's Talk: page) and "software" responses (bugs, suggestions, problems, complaints, ideas, etc) need to go on another. For example, all 11 comments at were posted via, and all 11 comments are about article content. This means that 11 probably-valid comments about article content are just being lost to the usual community editing processes.

We need a way for the user to be able to self-identify content vs software, and then send their comments to a suitable page as a result.