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OCHA - Situation Report - Highlights ()

  • Sudan continues to spiral into chaos, with the humanitarian crisis worsening and the horrific toll of the conflict having on civilians in Al Fasher and other conflict hotspots.
  • Over the past three months, up to 143,000 people may have been displaced from Al Fasher locality in North Darfur State due to clashes between SAF and RSF.
  • Sudan has the largest internally displaced population in the world, with over 11 million people, including those displaced since mid-April 2023.
  • An estimated 7.3 million people have been internally displaced since mid-April 2023, including those who experienced secondary displacement.
  • Between 1 January and 30 April 2024, 125 humanitarian partners provided more than 5.2 million people across the country with multi-cluster humanitarian assistance.
People receive non-food item assistance Gedaref State | Credit: OCHA

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