Invoke specified CloudWatch Rule on MediaConvert Event


I use AWS Lambda that executes MediaConvert for video transcoding and AWS CloudWatch Events Rule for executing another one AWS Lambda when MediaConvert job status was changed and log changed status in db(e.g. DynamoDb).

We have the following data flow:
Lambda -> MediaConvert -> CloudWatch Event Rule -> Lambda for processing job status -> DynamoDb
So it works fine if I have 1 environment, but when we have 2 or more environments this flow doesn't work.

It seems MediaConvert can execute only 1 CloudWatch Rule Event for 1 Event.
By this reason there is can be a case when you send job to transcoding from the 1st environment, but Lambda for processing job status was executed from the 2nd environment (because CloudWatch Event Rule from the 2nd environment pull MediaConvert Event )

Is there is a way how I can achieve to execute Lambda for processing job status
and CloudWatch Event Rule exactly from the 1st environment

asked 5 years ago1101 views
1 Answer

Hi there,

You can also key off userMetadata from the job payload.

The example below would trigger a cloudwatch event based on the following conditions:

Service source is mediaconvert
Job status is COMPLETE
And userMedadata in the job json has key pair of env and Prod.

  "source": [
  "detail": {
    "status": [
    "userMetadata": {
      "env": [

For more information on Job tagging please see:​

answered 5 years ago
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reviewed 4 months ago