Cognito User Pool cannot update with CloudFormation due to schema attribute conflict


I have a user pool that I created with CF about 4 years ago. After I deployed it I didn't change it. The CF also included a pre-signup function that was using nodejs12.x, a version that's now not available or supported.

I need to update the version of this lambda to 18.x, which I thought would be as simple as changing it in the template and running the update. When I try to update the stack, it fails saying:

Resource handler returned message: "Invalid request provided: Existing schema attributes cannot be modified or deleted."

As I mentioned, I haven't changed the template in any way since last time it was synced, but that was a long time ago. I have checked to make sure the parameters listed exactly match those in the deployed stack. I also tried reverse engineering the stack into a fresh template using Former2, and when I try to do an update with that it says the same thing. It seems like something has changed in user pools that is not backwards compatible, and there's no way to modernise the stack. Seeking any suggestions.

To make matters slightly more annoying, when the update fails it doesn't roll back successfully because it refuses to roll back to nodejs12.x. I know I can rollback excluding that function, it's just annoying.

1 Answer


Just to be sure, use the AWS CLI command below to check "SchemaAttributes" and make sure it matches the contents of the CloudFormation template.

aws cognito-idp describe-user-pool --user-pool-id us-west-2_aaaaaaaaa

AWS CLI can be executed from CloudShell.

Also, try deploying only the Cognito user pool using CloudFormation in a different AWS account, etc., and check whether the settings are the same as the existing user pool.
If all of these match, it may be an issue on AWS side, so I recommend that you open a case with AWS Support under "Account and billing".
Inquiries under "Account and billing" can be made free of charge.

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answered 2 months ago
  • Thanks for the suggestion. I actually triedgetting the attributes via describe-user-pool already and they are the same, plus it lists all the default attributes, even ones that are not enabled in the pool. I noticed this strange behaviour so deployed a new user pool with only email as a default attribute, and no custom attributes, and it still lists everything. I think I will follow your advice and just file a support request via accounts and billing. Thanks