Unable to resolve Permission Error - Python and AWS EB


I created a Dash application that has been deployed to AWS Elastic Beanstalk. The application relies on the user uploading an Excel sheet to get the desired output.

In another Dash application I created previously, there were no problems while uploading the Excel sheet. This time around, I keep getting a PermissionError(13, 'Permission Denied') message.

The platform for my Dash applications are Python. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to see anyone else facing the same problem too.

Just for reference, the value of the PYTHONPATH environment property is "/var/app/venv/staging-LQM1lest/bin".

Moreover, I am using the EB management console and not the CLI.

Any tips on how to solve the problem would be much appreciated.


asked 2 years ago781 views
1 Answer

Not an expert here but the python error is usually file permission issue. eg user running process cannot access file due to file ownership or permissions. Probably need to check how the process is being run and how the permissions are set on the file being uploaded

answered 2 years ago