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Bohai Sea

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Bohai Sea
Hanyu PinyinBó Hǎi

Bohai Sea, cried the Bohai Gulf, Bohai, or Bo Hai an aa, is the innermaist gulf o the Yellae Sea on the coast o Northeastern an North Cheen. It is approximately 78,000 km2 (30,116 sq. mi) in aurie an its proximity tae Beijing, the caipital o the Fowkrepublic o Cheenae (PRC), maks it ane o the busiest seaways in the warld.

Major ports[eedit | eedit soorce]

Thare are five major ports alang the Bohai Sea rim, wi throughputs ower 100 million tons:

Cheenae MSA's Seaways Plan for the Bohai Sea. Planned routes follae closely the seaways currently in uise

The ports o Port o Dalian an Port o Yantai are tradeetionally considered pairt o the Bohai rim an aa, even tho strictly speakin thay lie ootside the leemits o the sea.

Major ceeties alang the Bohai Sea coast[eedit | eedit soorce]