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Predloga:Razvoj palestinskih ozemelj

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Moderni razvoj Palestine
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1916–1922 razni predlogi: trije predlogi za upravljanje Palestine po prvi svetovni vojni. Rdeča črta je "Mednarodna uprava", predlagana v sporazumu Sykes–Picot iz leta 1916, črtkana modra črta je predlog cionistične organizacije iz leta 1919 na pariški mirovni konferenci, tanka modra črta pa se nanaša na končne meje 1923–48 Palestinskega mandata.
Britanski predlog 1937: Prvi uradni predlog za delitev, ki ga je 1937 objavila [[Peel Commission]Peelova komisija ]]. ePredlagala e britanski mandat , "da se ohrani svetost tJerusalema in Bethlehem"a " ikot enklavo od Jeruzalema do Jaffa, z Lydda in Ramle.
1947 UN proposal: Proposal per the United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine (UN General Assembly Resolution 181 (II), 1947), prior to the 1948 Arab–Israeli War. The proposal included a Corpus Separatum for Jerusalem, extraterritorial crossroads between the non-contiguous areas, and Jaffa as an Arab exclave.
1947 Jewish private land ownership: Jewish-owned lands in Mandatory Palestine as of 1947 in blue, constituting 7.4% of the total land area, of which more than half was held by the JNF and PICA. White is either public land or Palestinian-Arab-owned lands including related religious trusts.
1967 territorial changes: During the Six-Day War, Israel captured the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, and the Golan Heights, together with the Sinai Peninsula (later traded for peace after the Yom Kippur War). In 1980–81 Israel annexed East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights. Neither Israel's annexation nor the PLO claim over East Jerusalem gained international recognition.
1995 Oslo II Accord: Under the Oslo Accords, the Palestinian National Authority was created to provide a Palestinian interim self-government in the West Bank and the interior of the Gaza Strip. Its second phase envisioned "Palestinian enclaves".
2005–present: After the Israeli disengagement from Gaza and clashes between the two main Palestinian parties following the Hamas electoral victory, two separate executive governments took control in the Palestinian territories of the West Bank and Gaza.
Ethnic majority by settlement (present): The map indicates the ethnic majority of settlements (cities, villages and other communities).