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Vojvodina Kranjska

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Vojvodina Kranjska
Herzogtum Krain (nemško)
Ducatus Carnioliae (latinsko)
Zastava SirFranzPaul/peskovnik
Kranjska znotraj Avstro-Ogrske
Kranjska znotraj Avstro-Ogrske
Glavno mestoLjubljana
Priznani regionalni jezikiNemščina
Skupni jezikiSlovenščina
Etnične skupine
Demonim(i)Kranjec, Kranjka
• 1364 - 1365
Rudolf IV. Habsburški (prvi)
• 1916 - 1918
Karel I. Habsburško-Lotarinški
Deželni glavar 
• 1364 - 1365
Leopold iz Stadecka (prvi)
• 1912 - 1918
Ivan Šušteršič (zadnji)
ZakonodajalecKranjski deželni zbor
Zgodovinska dobasrednji vek, novi vek
• Habsburžani zavladajo v Kranjski krajini
• Povzdig v vojvodino
• Priključitev Avstrijskemu krogu
• Del Države SHS
29 oktober 1918
Kranjska krajina
Država Slovencev, Hrvatov in Srbov
Kraljevina Italija
Danes delSlovenija

Vojvodina Kranjska (nemško Herzogtum Krain, madžarsko Krajna) je bila cesarska posest Svetega rimskega cesarstva, ustanovljena pod Habsburžani leta 1364 na ozemlju predhodne vzhodnofrankovske Kranjske krajine. Kot dedna dežela Habsburške monarhije je leta 1804 postala dežela Avstrijskega cesarstva ter do leta 1849 Ilirskega kraljestva. Kot samostojna kronska dežela od leta 1849 dalje je leta 1867 postala del avstrijske polovice Avstro-Ogrske vse do propada države leta 1918. Glavno mesto Kranjske je bila Ljubljana.


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The borders of the historic Carniola region had varied over the centuries. From the time of the duchy's establishment, it was located in the southeastern periphery of the Holy Roman Empire, where the Gorjanci Mountains and the Kolpa River formed the border with the Kingdom of Croatia.

In the north, it bordered the Imperial Duchy of Carinthia, from the Predil Pass and Fusine (Fužine) along the main ridge of the Karawanks range up to Jezersko. In the northeast and east, it bordered on the Duchy of Styria, i.e., the present-day Štajerska or Lower Styrian lands beyond the Sava River, which until 1456 were held by the Counts of Celje. In the west, the peaks of the Julian Alps high above Lake Bohinj marked the border with the historic Friulian region, initially held by the Patriarchs of Aquileia, but gradually conquered by the Republic of Venice and incorporated into the Domini di Terraferma by 1433. In the southwest, beyond the Dinaric Alps, the Counts of Görz held the remaining Friulian territory, which in 1754 became the Austrian crown land of Gorizia and Gradisca (part of the present-day Slovenian Littoral). The remains of the Margraviate of Istria south of the Karst Plateau and the Brkini Hills were also administered from Carniola.

In its final extent, re-established in 1815,[1] the duchy had an area of 9.904 km2 (3.824 sq mi).[2] In 1914, before the beginning of World War I, it had a population of a little under 530,000 inhabitants.[1]

Zgodovinski zemljevid kranjske vojvodine: Gorenjska (rožnata), Dolenjska (zelena) ter Notranjska (rumena) z dodatkom Mejne grofije Istre (oranžna), Johann Homann, 1714

Upravna delitev

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According to the topography The Glory of the Duchy of Carniola written by the scholar Johann Weikhard von Valvasor (1641–1693), the territory was traditionally divided into three sub-regions:

Until 1860, these sub-regions coincided with the districts (Kreise) of Ljubljana, Novo Mesto and Postojna. They were later divided into smaller units, called political (or administrative) districts (nemško Bezirkshauptmannshaft, slovensko: okrajno glavarstvo). Between 1861 and 1918, Carniola was divided into eleven districts consisting of 359 municipalities (nemško Ortsgemeinde, slovensko: občina), with the provincial capital serving as the residence of the imperial governor (Landeshauptmann). The districts were: Kamnik, Kranj, Radovljica, the neighbourhood of Ljubljana, Logatec, Postojna, Litija, Krško, Novo Mesto, Črnomelj, and Kočevje. The political districts were in turn divided into 31 judicial circuits (nemško Gerichtsbezirk, slovensko: sodnijski okraj).

Zgodovina in uprava

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The former March of Carniola, i.e., Upper Carniola and the Windic March, had been separated from the Duchy of Carinthia in 1040 by King Henry III of Germany. It was nevertheless temporarily still held by the Carinthian rulers in personal union, like the Meinhardiner Duke Henry VI, who died in 1335 without a male heir. His daughter Margaret was able to keep the County of Tyrol, while the Wittelsbach Emperor Louis IV passed Carinthia and Carniolan march to the Habsburg Duke Albert II of Austria, whose mother, Elisabeth of Carinthia is a sister of the late Duke Henry of Gorizia.

Kranjska in Istra (rožnata) kot del Notranje Avstrije, 1379–1457 in 1564–1619

Albert's son Rudolf IV of Austria, "the Founder", in the course of his Privilegium Maius, awarded himself the title of a "Duke of Carniola" in 1364—though without consent by the Holy Roman Emperor. Rudolph also founded the town of Novo Mesto in Lower Carniola, then named Rudolphswerth. After his death, as a result of the quarrels between his younger brothers Albert III and Leopold, Carniola by the 1379 Treaty of Neuberg became part of Inner Austria ruled from Graz by Leopold, ancestor of the Habsburg Leopoldian line. In 1457, the Inner Austrian territories were re-united with the Archduchy of Austria under the rule of the Habsburg Emperor Frederick III. When Frederick's descendant, Emperor Ferdinand I, died in 1564, Carniola was separated again as part of Inner Austria under the rule of Ferdinand's son Archduke Charles II. Charles' son, Emperor Ferdinand II, inherited all the dynasty's lands in 1619 and the duchy formed a constituent part of the Habsburg monarchy ever since.

In the late 15th century, as part of the Habsburg westward expansion, the Duchy of Carniola acquired many new territories: Idrija (previously part of Friuli), Duino and the surrounding parts of the Karst Plateau, Kastav, Opatija, and the interior areas of Istria, centered around Pazin. It also had nominal control over the port of Rijeka, which however de facto remained an autonomous city; in 1717 it was officially placed under direct imperial rule and in 1776 it was transferred to Hungary. In the 19th century, these areas (with the exception of Idrija) were incorporated in the Austrian Littoral, and Carniola thus became a landlocked region once again.

With the Treaty of Schönbrunn in 1809, Napoleon formed the short-lived Illyrian Provinces from the annexed territories in Carniola, Carinthia, Croatia, Gorizia and Gradisca, and Trieste. The Final Act of the 1815 Congress of Vienna restored the Illyrian Provinces to the Austrian Empire. Carniola then formed the central part of the territory of the Austrian Kingdom of Illyria, whose capital was also Ljubljana, including the Carniolan and Carinthian duchies as well as the Austrian Littoral with Gorizia and Gradisca, the Margraviate of Istria and the Imperial Free City of Trieste.

After the disestablishment of the Illyrian Kingdom in 1849, the Duchy of Carniola was constituted by rescript of 20 December 1860, and by imperial patent of 26 February 1861 (February Patent), modified by legislation of 21 December 1867, granting power to the Carniolan Landtag (or Carniolan Diet - estates' assembly) to enact all laws not reserved to the Imperial Council in Vienna, at which it was represented by eleven delegates, of whom two elected by the landowners, three by the cities, towns, commercial and industrial boards, five by the village communes, and one by a fifth curia by secret ballot, every duly registered male twenty-four years of age had the right to vote. The home legislature consisted of a single chamber of thirty-seven members, among whom the prince-bishop sat ex-officio. The emperor convened the legislature, and it was presided over by the k. k. Landeshauptmann (president of the Carniolan Diet – Landtag and its executive board – Landesausschuss). The landed interests elected ten members, the cities and towns eight, the commercial and industrial boards two, the village communes sixteen. The business of the chamber was restricted to legislating on agriculture, public and charitable institutions, administration of communes, church and school affairs, the transportation and housing of soldiers in war and during manoeuvres, and other local matters. The land budget of 1901 amounted to 3,573,280 crowns ($714,656).

The Austrian Imperial-Royal government was represented by the Imperial-Royal president (k. k. Landespräsident or governor), appointed by the emperor, and the Imperial-Royal Government (k. k. Landesregierung) in Ljubljana. In the majority of other Austrian crown lands these were known as Imperial-Royal Lieutenant (k. k. Statthalter) and Imperial-Royal Lieutenancy (k. k. Statthalterei).

In 1918, the duchy ceased to exist and its territory became part of the newly formed State of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs and subsequently part of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes (from 1929 called Kingdom of Yugoslavia). The western part of the duchy, with the towns of Postojna, Ilirska Bistrica, Idrija, Vipava, and Šturje, was annexed to Italy in 1920, but was subsequently also included into Yugoslavia in 1945 except for the town of Fusine in Valromana (Weissenfels, before 1919), which remained in Italy.


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Velika večina prebivalstva je bila slovensko govoreča. Nemško govorečo manjšino so predstavljali lokalni plemiči ter rokodelci, ki so se na območje naselili kot meščani večjih mest. Okoli gorenjskih vasi Zgornje Sorice (Oberzarz), Spodnje Sorice (Unterzarz), Nemškega Rovta (Deutschgereuth) ter Bohinja, predvsem pa v Kočevju na Dolenjskem se je nahajalo več nemških jezikovnih otokov, kjer je kmečko prebivalstvo govorilo v nemškem kočevskem narečju južnobavarske skupine.

Leta 1846 je prebivalstvo Kranjske sestavljalo:[3]

Leta 1910 je prebivalstvo Kranjske sestavljalo:[3]

Grb in zastava

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Upodobitev grba Kranjske z nadvojvodskim klobukom Huga Gerarda Ströhla.

The coat of arms of Carniola dates back to the 13th century, when it most probably evolved as a combination of the coats of arms of the Bavarian counts of Andechs in the Duchy of Merania (eagle) and the Rhenish House of Sponheim in Carinthia (red-white checkerboard). The eagle is also featured in the seal of King Ottokar II of Bohemia in his capacity as ruler of the Carniolan march in 1269. In 1463 Emperor Frederick III, having prevailed against the claims raised by his brother Albert VI of Austria, added the Imperial crown to the eagle and replaced the white in the shield and the checkered crescent with gold. In 1836 Emperor Ferdinand I of Austria restored the original white color to the shield and recognized the white-blue-red combination as the official Carniolan color scheme.

Under the Habsburg rule the white, blue and red from the Carniolan coat of arms (the shield, the eagle and the crescent) were confirmed as the official flag colors of the crownland in 1848. Since the Duchy of Carniola was the main Slovene-populated region of the Austrian Empire, the color scheme was subsequently accepted as the generic Slovene national tricolor by the inhabitants of other Slovene Lands.

As for the coat of arms, it was abandoned after 1918 with the passing of the Duchy of Carniola. The blue eagle of Carniola was, however, briefly resurrected from 1943 to 1945 as the symbol of the Slovenian auxiliary Axis forces, the Slovene Home Guard. It was also used in the Yugoslav Karađorđević dynasty coat-of-arms in the interwar period (and was replaced in the state coat-of-arms of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia by the three stars of the medieval counts of Celje).

The insignia of the Duchy of Carniola have had an important and lasting impact on Slovene national symbols. Thus, the white-blue-red combination of the flag of the Duchy of Carniola is in use today as the official color scheme of the flag of the Republic of Slovenia. The Slovenian coat of arms is also a heraldic composite, incorporating the stars of the counts of Celje, the Carniolan colors and the silhouette of the Slovene national symbol, Mount Triglav. Predloga:History of Slovenia

Glej tudi

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  1. 1,0 1,1 Pipp, Lojze (1935). »Razvoj števila prebivalstva Ljubljane in bivše vojvodine Kranjske« [The Development of the Number of Population of Ljubljana and the Former Duchy of Carniola]. Kronika Slovenskih Mest (v Slovenian). City Municipality of Ljubljana. 2 (1).{{navedi časopis}}: Vzdrževanje CS1: neprepoznan jezik (povezava)
  2. Perko, Drago; Orožen Adamič, Milan, ur. (1998). Slovenija – pokrajine in ljudje [Slovenia – Landscapes and People] (v Slovenian). Mladinska knjiga. str. 16. ISBN 9788611150338.{{navedi knjigo}}: Vzdrževanje CS1: neprepoznan jezik (povezava)
  3. 3,0 3,1 A.J.P. Taylor, The Habsburg Monarchy 1809–1918, 1948: Serbian edition: A. Dž. P. Tejlor, Habzburška monarhija 1809–1918, Beograd, 2001, page 302.

Zunanje povezave

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Predloga:Austrian Circle Predloga:Provinces of the Austrian Empire Predloga:Subdivisions of Austria-Hungary Predloga:Slovenia topics

Grb Francije

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Neuradni grb Francije
Nosilec grbaFrancoska republika
Sprejet1905 (1905)[3]
(Svoboda, enakost, bratstvo)
OdličjaZvezda in veliki ovratnik reda legije časti

Grb Francije je neuradni emblem Francoske republike. Prikazuje liktorski fasces ob lovorovih in hrastovih vejah, ki ga obvija zvitek z narodnim geslom Liberté, égalité, fraternité. Polni grb vsebuje zvezdo in ovratnik reda legije časti; emblemu ga je v času tretje republike leta 1905 dodal heraldični slikar-graver Maurice de Meyère.[4] Tak grb uporablja ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve med državnimi obiski ter predsedniškimi otvoritvami.

Država je bila v zgodovini tradicionalno povezana s simbolom lilije, ki so ga vpeljali francoski kralji v visokem srednjem veku. Lilija še vedno predstavlja Francijo ter Burbone v obliki združevanja, ki je prisotno v grbih Španije, Québeca ter Kanade. Poleg tega je bila lilija tudi simbol Île-de-France, središča Francoskega kraljestva.

Edini državni simbol, ki je posebej določen v trenutni ustavi je zastava v 2. členu.[5]

Sestava grba

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Grbopis se glasi:[6]

Na modrem polju zlat liktorjev snop po stebru ščita prekriva dve zlati veji hrasta in lovorja. Ščit prekriva zlat trak z z motom v črnih črkah: "LIBERTÉ, ÉGALITÉ, FRATERNITÉ". Ščit obdaja veliki ovratnik reda legije časti v naravni barvi, križ je spuščen na dno.

Elementi grba

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Liberté, égalité, fraternité (francoska izgovorjava: [libɛʁte eɡalite fʁatɛʁnite]; "svoboda, enakost, bratstvo",[7] je državni slogan Francije ter primer tridelnega gesla. Izvira iz obdobja francoske revolucije, vendar je bilo vse do uradne uveljavitve v času tretje republike ob koncu 19. stoletja zgolj eno izmed mnogih gesel.[8]

Fasces ali liktorski snop

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Liktorski snop ali fasces sestavlja šop brezovih vej s požrtvovalno sekiro na sredini. V obdobju starega Rima je fasces simboliziral moč sodnikov v skladu in unijo z Rimsko republiko. Francoski arhitekti so rimski fasces (faisceaux romains) kot okrasni element pričeli uporabljati med vladavino Ludvika XIII.,[9][10] med francosko revolucijo pa so bili simboli povezani z Rimsko republiko še širše uporabljeni. V času prve republike je fasces, tokrat okrašen s frigijsko čepico, predstavljal poklon Rimski republiki ter načelo, da oblast pripada ljudstvu. Poleg tega predstavlja "unijo ter nedeljivost republike",[11] kot pojasnjuje Francoska ustava.

  • Hrast je francosko narodno drevo ter simbol moči in vzdržljivosti.[12]
  • Lovor, prvotno vejica navadnega lovora, kasneje širokolistne lobodike ali lovorikovca, je simbol zmagoslavja, ki izvira iz grške mitologije. Z lovorovim vencem na glavi je navadno upodobljen grški bog Apolon, vence pa so tudi podelili zmagovalcem atletskih tekmovanj, med drugim tudi olimpijskih iger; v primeru slednjih so bili venci narejeni iz divje oljke.[13] V Rimski državi je bil lovorov venec simbol vojaške zmage ter se je navadno nahajal na glavah uspešnih poveljnikov med sprevodom.


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Razvoj grba

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13th century – 1870: Arms of dominion / French Revolution

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French kings and emperors had personal arms of dominion, which by extension also represented France. The fleur-de-lis was used by French kings since the Middle Ages, which were followed by the Napoleonic eagle designs after the French Revolution. The fleur-de-lis is still popular, and used by overseas people of French heritage, like the Acadians, Québécois or Cajuns. The Napoleonic eagle is also used by Swedish royal house.

Ureditev Obdobje Ščit Celovit grb Heraldični prapor Opis in blazon
Kingdom Before 1305 The arms of France Ancient: Azure semé-de-lis or The historical coat of arms of France were the golden fleurs-de-lys on a blue field, used continuously for nearly six centuries (1211–1792). Although according to legend they originated at the baptism of Clovis, who supposedly replaced the three toads that adorned his shield with three lilies given by an angel, they are first documented only from the early 13th century. They were first shown as semé, that is to say without any definite number and staggered (known as France ancient), but in 1376 they were reduced to three, (known as France modern). With this decision, King Charles V intended to place the kingdom under the double invocation of the Virgin (the lily is a symbol of Mary), and the Trinity, for the number. The traditional supporters of the French royal arms are two angels, sometimes wearing a heraldic dalmatic.
1305–1328 Arms of France Ancient dimidiated with the arms of Navarre, after king Louis X inherited Navare from his mother Joan I of Navarre in 1305.
1328–1376 The arms of France Ancient: Azure semé-de-lis or. After the death of the last direct Capetian in 1328, the kingdom of France passed to the house of Valois through the Salic law, and Navarre passed to the house of Evreux through female line.
1376–1469 The arms of France Modern: Azure, three fleurs-de-lis or, a simplified version of France Ancient
1469–1515 The arms of France Modern. After the creation of the Order of Saint Michael in 1469, its collar was added to the royal arms.
1515–1578 The arms of France Modern. King Francis I changed the open crown traditionally used by his predecessors for a closed one.
1578–1589 The arms of France Modern. After the creation of the Order of the Holy Spirit in 1578, its collar was added to the royal arms.
1589–1792 The royal arms of the Kingdom of France after the conclusion of the French Wars of Religion. Again the arms of the Kingdom of Navarre impaled with France Moderne, indicating the personal union of the two realms as a result of Henry IV becoming king.
First Republic 1791–1804 Putative heraldic emblem of the First French Republic
First Empire 1804–1814/1815 The arms of the First French Empire of Napoleon I, featuring an eagle, the Crown of Napoleon and inset with "golden bees" as in the tomb of King Childeric I.
Kingdom (Bourbon Restoration) 1814/1815–1830 After the Bourbon Restoration, the royal House of Bourbon once more assumed the French crown.
Kingdom (July Monarchy) 1830–1831 During the July Monarchy, the arms of the House of Orléans were used.
1831–1848 From 1831 onward, the arms of Louis-Philippe were used, depicting the Charter of 1830. (Stars were eventually added to the Mantling; along with addition of Supporters, a decrease of the flags to two, the addition of a helmet, the reversion to the Fleur-de-Lys Crown as one of the two Crowns, the flagpoles having spearheads and at the base were two cannons surmounted by floral branches.)
Second Empire 1852–1870 The arms of the Second French Empire of Napoleon III, again featuring an eagle, but now with the Crown of Napoleon III.

1870–1905: Obdobje brez grba

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In 1881 Foreign Minister de Freycinet proposed a coat of arms that was not successfully implemented[14]

The state was left without a coat of arms after the proclamation of the Third Republic in 1870. Consequently, the façade and balconies of French embassies and consulates were sometimes decorated with quasi-heraldic emblems, such as a simple RF monogram or a lictor's fasces topped with a Phrygian cap. This was lamented by diplomats, as it neither reflected the country's rich heraldic tradition nor matched other European countries' emblems.[navedi vir]

In 1881 Foreign Minister Charles de Freycinet sought to address this issue by proposing arms. This first attempt was not successful. Count Horace de Choiseul, undersecretary of state in this department, invited the sculptor Francia to submit a proposal to him, which this denier[pojasni] executed on the drawing of Émile Bin.[navedi vir]

1905–danes: Uveljavitev in spremembe

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King Alfonso XIII of Spain's official visit to France in 1905, as well as preceding visits from king Edward VII and Victor Emmanuel III of the United Kingdom and Italy, respectively, once again brought attention to the fact that France had no coat of arms. The Foreign Ministry responded by consulting the Grand Chancellery, which in turn asked the heraldists to propose national heraldic devices. Among about twenty proposals which were approved by the government, heraldic painter-engraver Maurice de Meyère's composition was formally adopted as the new coat of arms of France. This design was to be used by embassies and consulates abroad, instead of previous quasi-heraldic emblems.

In de Meyère's composition, the escutcheon was framed by an artistic console, whereas the Legion of Honour's star featured as the sole external heraldic device. The entire achievement was depicted upon an oval background with the words "French Republic" on the edge, a non-heraldic element. The console and oval background were mentioned as late as February 1914,[15] but generally omitted after World War I, while the star of the Legion of Honour had been accompanied by the 1881 version of the grand collar.

In 1924/1925, a greater version of the arms was invented for a decorative tapestry commissioned by the city of Strasbourg to Gustave Louis Jaulmes.[16] It was never formally adopted.

In 1953, the collar was redesigned.


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A list of notable depictions:

  • 1905: A watercolour reproducing de Meyère's design was sent to each member of the government, and the arms adorned the two entrances of the French foreign ministry (37 Quai d'Orsay) at the occasion of king Alfonso's visit.[17][18]
  • 1922: The arms was emblazoned on the bronze Medal for Fidelity to France (francosko Médaille de la Fidélité Française), awarded to inhabitants of the two border regions of Alsace and Lorraine, who had been either imprisoned or exiled by the occupying Germans during World War I because of their loyalty to France.[19]
  • 1924/1925: A greater version of the arms was depicted on a painted tapestry by Gustave Louis Jaulmes, titled "Les armes de France". Commissioned by the city of Strasbourg,[20] this piece was to be installed at the Commissariat General of the Republic in the city.
  • 1928: German encyclopedias gave a color reproduction of Jaulmes' greater arms.
  • 1929: On 10 May the German embassy in France inquired what was the official coat of arms of France was. The French Ministry of Foreign Affairs replied that "there is no, in principle, official coat of arms or emblem," but that such a composition was used for the French embassies and consulates.
  • 1933–1942: The arms were depicted on prefects' uniforms.[21]
  • 1935: The annual edition of Le Petit Larousse reproduced a monochrome reproduction of the arms as a symbol of the French Republic.
  • 1953: The United Nations Secretariat requested that France submit a national coat of arms that were to adorn the wall behind the podium in the General Assembly hall in New York, alongside the other member states' arms. On 3 June, an interministerial commission met at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to select this emblem. It requested Robert Louis (1902–1965), heraldic artist, to produce a version of the Jules-Clément Chaplain design. In the end, Louis chose Maurice de Meyère's 1905 design instead, and this was adopted and submitted to the UN.
  • 1975: President Valéry Giscard d'Estaing adopted the charge of the arms in his presidential standard.
  • 6 June 1980: President d'Estaing assumed on him being admitted to the Order of the Seraphim: Azure a Fasces Or bindings Argent between two Laurel sprigs disposed orleways of the second and bound together in base by a ribbon of the third., based on the republican arms.
  • 1982/1988: The arms were depicted on French space suits during the Franco-Soviet space missions of 1982 and 1988.[22]
  • 2009: Used to represent France in the Hanseatic Fountain in Veliky Novgorod, Russia.[23]

The coat of arms is still used, e.g. in relation to presidential inaugurations, including that of François Mitterrand, Jacques Chirac and Emmanuel Macron in 1981, 1995 and 2017, respectively.[24][25]

Glej tudi

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  1. »FranFrance«. Arhivirano iz prvotnega spletišča dne 5. julija 2018.
  2. »Réception d'Emmanuel Macron à l'Hôtel de ville de Paris«. 18. maj 2017. Arhivirano iz prvotnega spletišča dne 22. marca 2019. Pridobljeno 25. februarja 2019.
  3. »Les symboles de la République française«. Site de la présidence de la République. 21. oktober 2015.
  4. https://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k4657709x/f1.item.r=%22%20D'azur,%20au%20faisceau%20de%20licteur%20posé%20en%20pal%22.zoom
  5. Predloga:Cite constitution
  6. »France: Symbols of the Republic«.
  7. »Liberty, Égalité, Fraternité«. Embassy of France in the US. Arhivirano iz prvotnega spletišča dne 18. oktobra 2014. Pridobljeno 18. septembra 2014.
  8. Ozouf, Mona (1997), »Liberté, égalité, fraternité stands for peace country and war«, v Nora, Pierre (ur.), Lieux de Mémoire [Places of memory] (v francoščini), zv. tome III, Quarto Gallimard, str. 4353–89 (abridged translation, Realms of Memory, Columbia University Press, 1996–98).
  9. Les Grands Palais de France : Fontainebleau, I re Série, Styles Louis XV, Louis XVI, Empire, Labrairie Centrale D'Art Et D'Architecture, Ancienne Maison Morel, Ch. Eggimann, Succ, 106, Boulevard Saint Germain, Paris, 1910
  10. Les Grands Palais de France : Fontainebleau , II me Série, Les Appartments D'Anne D'Autriche, De François I er, Et D'Elenonre La Chapelle, Labrairie Centrale D'Art Et D'Architecture, Ancienne Maison Morel, Ch. Eggimann, Succ, 106, Boulevard Saint Germain, Paris, 1912
  11. »The lictor's fasces«. 20. november 2012.
  12. »Oak as a Symbol«. Venables Oak. Arhivirano iz prvotnega spletišča dne 5. maja 2013. Pridobljeno 26. septembra 2012.
  13. Liddell, Henry George; Scott, Robert (1843). A Greek-English Lexicon (1 izd.). Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-864226-8. Pridobljeno 13. februarja 2019. κότι^νος
  14. »Le Monde illustré, Miroir du monde«. 13. avgust 1938.
  15. »Bulletin / Société historique du Calaisis«. Februar 1914.
  16. »AGORHA : Bases de données de l'Institut national d'histoire de l'art (INHA)«. agorha.inha.fr. Pridobljeno 8. septembra 2021.
  17. »FranFrance«. 28. november 2020. Arhivirano iz prvotnega spletišča dne 28. novembra 2020. Pridobljeno 8. septembra 2021.
  18. »Visite de S.M. Alphonse XIII à Paris : départ pour Versailles«. bibliotheques-specialisees.paris.fr. Pridobljeno 8. septembra 2021.
  19. »French Medals«.
  20. AGORHA : Bases de données de l'Institut national d'histoire de l'art (INHA). 2. december 2021.
  21. »Google Translate«. translate.google.com. Pridobljeno 8. septembra 2021.
  22. »badgemain«. space-badges.pagesperso-orange.fr. Pridobljeno 8. septembra 2021.
  23. »VELIKY NOVGOROD, RUSSIA – AUGUST 17, 2015. Coat of arms of France, represented in the Hanseatic fountain. The fountain consists of 16 coats of arms belonging to the Hanseatic League of the New Times«.
  24. »Réception d'Emmanuel Macron à l'Hôtel de ville de Paris«. 18. maj 2017. Arhivirano iz prvotnega spletišča dne 22. marca 2019. Pridobljeno 25. februarja 2019.
  25. File:Visites Mitterrand Chirac à l'hôtel de ville de Paris.jpg
  26. »General Assembly Hall at United Nations Headquarters«. Julij 1954.
  27. »France: Symbols of the Republic«.
  28. »Alterations in the General Assembly Hall«. 3. februar 1956.

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