Access Releases 14 Issue Fixes in Version 2305 (Released June 1st, 2023)
Published Jun 06 2023 03:17 PM 8,343 Views

If you see a bug that impacts you, and if you're on the current monthly channel build 2305, you should have these fixes. Make sure you're on Access Build # 16.0.16501.20196 or greater. 


Bug Name 

Issue Fixed  

Cannot use a link to a table in an Access database with 20-character password. 

The maximum length for a password on an encrypted database is 20 characters. However, if you use a 20-character password and create a link to a table in the database, you'll receive the error message “Not a valid password” when trying to use the link.  

When a control in a report has Can Grow or Can Shrink set to Yes, and uses conditional formatting, it may not correctly size the control. 

The size of the control was determined before conditional formatting applies, so if conditional formatting changed the size of the text (e.g., by applying Bold formatting), then the size of the control might not be appropriate after conditional formatting applies. 

The Result Type dropdown for a calculated column in a table does not show "Large Number." 

When you create a calculated column in a table, you can set the Result Type property of the column to determine how the column should be treated. However, the dropdown was incorrectly displaying ‘19’, rather than "Large Number." 

Reserved error (-7747) when trying to link to SQL Server table with a spatial index on a geography column.

You can now link to a SQL Server table with a geography column that has a spatial index. 

"#Deleted" displayed in table when linked to a SQL table with a geography column.

When linking to a SQL Server table with a geography column, Access no longer displays "#Deleted" for data in the table.

When "Allow Special Keys" option is off, breakpoints in VBA code do not work.

When the Allow Special Keys option is off, it correctly disabled the use of CTRL Break to trigger a break in running VBA code, but it was also preventing explicit breakpoints from being hit in code. Breakpoints set in code will now function properly. 

Error 3048 "Cannot open anymore databases" when exporting many reports to PDF.

A resource leak occurred when exporting/printing some reports, which could eventually lead to an error message when the resource was exhausted. The leak will no longer occur. 

Closing a report in print preview may cause Access to terminate unexpectedly.

This would happen with a particular combination of elements, including a subreport, a combo box, and conditional formatting. These elements will no longer cause Access to terminate when the report closes. 

Tables disappearing in Relationship window when selected and a table is saved in design view.

When the Database Relationships window was open and there were selected tables in the window, and then a table was saved from table design, all selected tables would be removed from the Relationships window. Saving tables will no longer remove tables from the Relationships window. 

DAO DataTypeEnum enumeration does not include a value for Date/Time Extended.

The enumeration now includes the value dbDateTimeExtended (26). 

When using the Zoom builder for the first time on a system with metric settings, the font is too small to be legible.

The font size will now default to 11pt the first time the Zoom Builder first opens on both U.S. and metric settings. 

Error calling Query/Table refresh multiple times from Excel workbook to Access database.

When an Excel workbook has a data connection to an Access database, refreshing the connection would leak resources. Eventually this would lead to an error when trying to refresh the connection. The leak will no longer occur. 

Document tabs don't meet accessibility contrast requirements. 

The contrast between the text color and background color of the document tabs now provides good legibility in all Office themes. 

DoCmd.OutputTo acFormatXLSX doesn't work. 

When using the DoCmd.OutputTo command with a report (using ObjectType = acOutputReport), and specifying acFormatXLSX as the output format, the report will now successfully export to an .xlsx file. 


Please continue to let us know if this is helpful and share any feedback you have.