Access Releases 7 Issue Fixes in Version 2310 (Released October 25th, 2023)
Published Nov 27 2023 05:54 PM 3,555 Views

Our newest round of Access bug fixes was released on October 25th, 2023. In this blog post, we highlight some of the fixed issues that our Access engineers released in the current monthly channel.  


If you see a bug that impacts you, and if you are on the current monthly channel Version 2310, you should have these fixes. Make sure you are on Access Build # 16.0.16924.20106 or greater. 


Bug Name 

Issue Fixed  

Crash when opening a linked Dataverse table 

This could happen if a link was opened in a session when the import/export wizard for Dataverse had not been used.  This bug was introduced in version 2309, and the fix was applied there as well as in version 2310. 

Crash when creating a new form if the Normal form has a subform control 

If a database has a form named ‘Normal’, that form will be used as a template for creating new forms.  If the Normal form contained a subform control, then Access would crash when creating new forms. 

CopyFromRecordset command in Excel used to retrieve data from another Excel sheet using the Microsoft.Ace.Oledb provider could produce incorrect results 

The Access Database Engine (Ace) is the provider used when connecting with the OLEDB provider Microsoft.Ace.Oledb.12.0 (or Microsoft.Ace.Oledb.16.0). In some cases when connecting to Excel data, Excel formats were not handled correctly, which could lead to incorrect data. 

Memory leak when copying rows with attachments 

When copying rows form a table/query/form that contains an attachment field, memory would be leaked by every copy operation. Especially on 32-bit builds of Office, this could lead to memory exhaustion, which could cause other unrelated operations to fail with an out of memory error. 

Filter menus incorrection showing an underscore (_) rather than an ampersand (&) 

Some of the filter menu items are constructed using user data. For example, if you right click on a cell in a datasheet with the data “Food & Beverages”, the context menu should have an entry that reads [Equals “Food & Beverages”], but it would instead read [Equals “Food _Beverages”] 

Application.SetOption command does not work for “Continuous Form Record Navigation Keys” option 

This command will now work with this option` 

Crash when inserting records in form bound to ADO recordset 

Forms bound to ADO recordsets were not being handled correctly in some cases 


Please continue to let us know if this is helpful and share any feedback you have.  

Version history
Last update:
‎Dec 01 2023 06:37 AM
Updated by: