Access releases Northwind 2.2 templates
Published Sep 11 2023 02:30 PM 4,840 Views

Submitted by Tom van Stiphout, Software Dev Manager, at Kinetik IT 


The new version 2.2 of the Northwind templates has some bug fixes and enhancements suggested by the community. To get the new templates, see Get the Access Northwind starter and developer templates v. 2.2.


Northwind Traders icon 256px.jpg

Northwind Starter Edition updates

  1. Added one-time processing steps to improve date and currency display under different regional settings.
  2. Version number 2.2 in the About box.
  3. Bug fixes, contrast and other improvements in Accessibility.

Northwind Dev Edition updates

  1. Same enhancements as Starter Edition.
  2. Learn page is using new Edge Browser to display web page (Access 365 only), or for other versions of Access shows a report with the same content or the web page in an external browser.
  3. Error handler enhancements. See Video: Implement a Global Error Handler to build a rock-solid application for details.
  4. Improvements to StringFormatSQL.
  5. Fully laid out Relationships diagram under System Admin.

Share your feedback with us! We’ll be watching the Access Tech Community forum, as well as other forums where Access developers hang out or leave your comments and feedback right here in this blog.


See also

Announcing New Templates for Microsoft Access: Northwind 2.0 is here!

Microsoft Access Dev Center | Database app development


Version history
Last update:
‎Sep 11 2023 02:35 PM
Updated by: