2023 in Review
Published Dec 19 2023 06:00 AM 27.7K Views

As we wrap up 2023, we on the Excel team want to express our heartfelt gratitude to you all across our Excel community. We greatly appreciate each and every one of you for your continued contribution to the community, helping others learn more about Excel, and giving us feedback to make Excel even better.


2023 was filled with excitement for Excel, from Excel esports on ESPN8: The Ocho to the Excel Collegiate Challenge, the Excel World Championship, and more.


2023 was also an incredibly exciting year of innovations and delights, from Python in Excel and Copilot in Excel to formula suggestions and formula by example and inserting pictures and checkboxes into cells, and more! Below are only a few highlights – see our monthly What's New in Excel series for more.


  • Copilot in Excel. Helps you do more with your data in Excel tables by generating formula column suggestions, showing insights in charts and PivotTables, and highlighting interesting portions of data. Read more >
  • Formula Suggestions. Helps you create formulas more quickly and accurately by offering relevant suggestions based on your data and context. Type "=" at the beginning of a cell, and Formula Suggestions will show you different formulas that you can apply to your data, along with a specified range. Read more >
  • Formula by Example. Looks for patterns as you enter data in the worksheet. When it recognizes a pattern, Formula by Example offers a formula to fill the rest of the column with the recognized pattern. Read more >
  • Checkboxes. Quickly visualize and set TRUE and FALSE values in a cell using checkboxes to simplify data entry and reduce errors. Read more >
  • Insert pictures into cells. Insert local pictures, directly into cells, from your device or from the stock image libraries. Read more >
  • GROUPBY & PIVOTBY. Perform data aggregations using a single formula. Read more >
  • Python in Excel. Natively combine Python and Excel analytics within the same workbook - with no setup required. Type Python directly into a cell, the Python calculations run in the Microsoft Cloud, and your results are returned to the worksheet, including plots and visualizations. Read more >



Thank you for your continued contribution to the community. We look forward to 2024 with even more excitement, innovations, and delights with you all.


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