Passing live information from the scene to Cloud Scripting

Copper Contributor

Hello everyone,

I am looking for a way to track the live position of objects in MS Mesh. I am currently exploring if this is possible to be implemented with Cloud Scripting. However, when an Event is called like "Selected", only the initial information of the scene is presented. So when a user is moving an object, I am currently unable to track this. 


1. Is it possible to update the scene/DOM in Cloud Scripting while running the application?

2. Is there a way to send additional information to the Cloud Scripting environment?

3. Is there a way to implement custom Cloud Scripting Events or EventArgs? 

4. Am I overlooking something and there is an easy way to track the live position of objects?

Additional information:
I am working on a research project where I would like to use Microsoft Mesh. To properly implement this, I would need to gather live data from MS Mesh, like the current position of Objects or Avatars. I tried multiple things but did not come to a solution. The "PositionChanged" does not seem to be called. According to the docs, I can get "Hit info, relative to the local coordinate space of the InteractableNod" which does not help. I found this post, saying that Cloud Scripting <-> Visual Scripting is not possible.

Thank you in advance for the help!

2 Replies
best response confirmed by PatrickWoehnl (Copper Contributor)

@PatrickWoehnl you are right, at the moment we don't synchronize the GameObjects' positions from the clients back to the cloud app. This is more or less for performance reasons, but we acknowledge it's a useful feature and we're thinking about how to best expose it in the future. There are no definite dates on when that will be rolled out.

Regarding the integration of Visual Scripting with Cloud Scripting you are right again, the feature is not released yet, but it will be shortly. Once that's available, you could use the Visual Script variables to synchronize data back to the cloud app. With Visual Scripting you get the possibility of synchronizing Variables between all clients; with the integration into Cloud Scripting, the shared variables are also synchronized with the cloud app. The latter will also get the  expected XxxChanged property changed events, one for each shared variable. 

Hi Bogan Bucur, thank you very much for getting back to me. That is very helpful information and I am looking forward, to when the integration of visual scripting and cloud scripting will be released!
1 best response

Accepted Solutions
best response confirmed by PatrickWoehnl (Copper Contributor)

@PatrickWoehnl you are right, at the moment we don't synchronize the GameObjects' positions from the clients back to the cloud app. This is more or less for performance reasons, but we acknowledge it's a useful feature and we're thinking about how to best expose it in the future. There are no definite dates on when that will be rolled out.

Regarding the integration of Visual Scripting with Cloud Scripting you are right again, the feature is not released yet, but it will be shortly. Once that's available, you could use the Visual Script variables to synchronize data back to the cloud app. With Visual Scripting you get the possibility of synchronizing Variables between all clients; with the integration into Cloud Scripting, the shared variables are also synchronized with the cloud app. The latter will also get the  expected XxxChanged property changed events, one for each shared variable. 

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