Study: Microsoft Managed Desktop saves time and costs
Published May 21 2020 06:00 AM 14.1K Views

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It’s been clear to me from my very first days working on end user computing that there’s real value in delivering fantastic user experiences without the typical IT hassles of securing and updating devices.

Since we first introduced this vision to our customers, we’ve worked to answer questions regarding the returns on the Microsoft Managed Desktop investment, and how long they take to materialize.

We helped the earliest Microsoft Managed Desktop customers build frameworks to analyze the costs and benefits of deployment. We have collaborated closely with these first cohorts to expand our understanding of real-world conditions in customer environments, and to refine our service roadmap accordingly.

Now, I’m happy to share that the number-crunching ought to be much easier for organizations that are considering Microsoft Managed Desktop.

We recently commissioned Forrester to study the total economic impact of Microsoft Managed Desktop. The total economic impact approach allows us to showcase hard cost savings alongside softer benefits, such as the value of an endpoint manager’s time saved on repetitive tasks. It even touches on benefits that are harder to quantify, such as the positive impact of a great user experience on employee sentiment, or the value of averting a major security breach.

Forrester conducted primary research with four customers and details how Microsoft Managed Desktop delivered key outcomes in the following areas:

  • Improved user satisfaction and productivity.
  • Reduced the time spent sourcing, configuring, and deploying devices.
  • Empowered their IT teams.
  • Improved endpoint security by consolidating endpoint protection

Using the firsthand experience of these Microsoft Managed Desktop customers, Forrester profiled the following composite organization.

“A global, multibillion-dollar business-to-consumer organization that provides sales, customer support, and service/warranty support for its consumer products in high volume. The organization has $1.5 billion in revenue and 5,000 Windows desktops and laptops. The organization replaces a third of its endpoints to Microsoft Managed Desktop each year as part of its three-year replacement cycle.”

For such an organization, Forrester projects a net benefit of $8 million over four years, realizing positive returns on the Microsoft Managed Desktop investment as early as the first year. The study exposes all of its assumptions and calculations to help organizations understand the framework and apply it to their own situation.  


Personally, I was most excited to see that the two largest areas of ROI were:

  • reducing spend on software tools that are redundant to Microsoft 365 features fully deployed by the service, and
  • reducing IT bandwidth previously required to set users up with new devices.

Most of the IT professionals I’ve met would agree that their least rewarding work is getting users set up from zero to productive on a new device.

What could be better than cutting costs by offloading your least rewarding tasks so you can focus on more strategic work that drives the company forward?

It’s especially gratifying to share this study in an era when so many organizations are seeking to optimize their systems for remote work and do more with less. If you’re in this boat, read the full study and see how it can help you formulate your plan.

What did you find most surprising about the study’s findings? How is your organization struggling to build a business case for modernization? Please share in comments and be sure to subscribe to our blog for more useful details on Microsoft Managed Desktop.


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