What Constitutes a Fantastic Device Experience?
Published Oct 24 2019 10:00 AM 14.1K Views

Seasoned professionals might view a 5-minute boot-up sequence as the perfect opportunity to get a cup of coffee. But the freshest talent entering the workforce — modern workers who grew up with tablets and smartphones — are less than impressed by high-friction workplace device experiences. 


We're excited to share this new, short video that should help everyone rally around a common vision of a fantastic workplace device experience  one where: 

  • Devices boot in seconds and work right out of the box.
  • Workgroups meet and share files using the latest productivity and collaboration tools.
  • Data protection, backups and restoration happens seamlessly and automatically.



That's the driving vision behind Microsoft Managed Desktop.


We believe our mission to delight end users is just as important — and just as achievable — as protecting your organization's data from ever-evolving threats. And we believe our accelerated path to digital transformation will empower your IT talent to focus on technical innovation that improves your core business.  


We designed Microsoft Managed Desktop to establish a "new normal" in workplace computing, and we're already helping customers harness this new reality to transform their organizations. 


If you like our vision, then be sure to share the video with your colleagues, subscribe to our blog, and contact us to learn more.  


What do you think of our vision of "fantastic device experiences?" Please leave a comment and join the discussion!


Version history
Last update:
‎May 06 2021 12:21 PM
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