Jul 5, 2024

10 everyday birds that brighten urban India

Sonal Khandelwal

City avians

​Many colourful and melodious birds grace India's urban landscapes. With their vibrant plumage and enchanting songs, these avian residents bring unique beauty and inspiration to city life. ​



​Red-vented bulbuls, with their distinctive crests and lively songs, bring energy to urban gardens. These agile birds feed on fruits and insects, contributing to the biodiversity of city landscapes.​



​Indian crows, often seen scavenging, are intelligent and adaptable birds. Their ability to thrive in dynamic and often challenging urban environments, as well as their cawing and communal roosting habits, contribute to urban areas' unique soundscape and ecology, earning them our respect and admiration.​



​Black drongos, known for their glossy black feathers and forked tails, are skilled aerial hunters. Their aggressive behaviour towards larger birds helps protect smaller urban avian species.​



Indian pond herons, with their striking camouflage, are found near urban water bodies. Their patient hunting techniques and sudden, graceful flights make them captivating urban wildlife.



Kites, often seen soaring gracefully, are urban scavengers. Their keen eyesight and adaptability allow them to thrive in cities, playing a crucial role in the urban ecosystem by controlling rodent populations and maintaining ecological balance. Their presence reminds us of our responsibility towards nature.​


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​Asian koels, with their distinctive, melodious calls, are often heard before seen. These shy blackbirds add a haunting beauty to the dawn and dusk soundscapes of Indian cities.​



​Common mynas, known for their loud, gregarious calls, thrive in cities. Their ability to mimic sounds and striking yellow eye patches make them fascinating sights in urban gardens and parks.​



​Rose-ringed parakeets are common in urban trees, with their vibrant green plumage and loud squawks. Their playful antics and colourful presence make them city favourites.​



​Rock pigeons, with their distinctive cooing, are ubiquitous in urban areas. They gather in flocks, feeding on grains and crumbs, adding a lively presence to city squares and rooftops. Their scavenging habits also help keep our cities clean, making them an integral part of the urban ecosystem.​



​However, their population is declining due to factors such as the loss of nesting sites and food sources, making it crucial to take steps to protect these charming birds. House sparrows are small, plump birds in bustling city streets and quiet neighbourhoods. Their cheerful chirps and sociable nature make them a beloved part of India's urban avifauna.​


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